Jan Radil, Josef Vojtěch, Miroslav Karásek Innovative Devices for Dark Fibre Networks
September 19, th CEF Workshop Praha, Czech Republic 2 Innovative devices for dark fibre networks Outline Motivations Results Conclusions
September 19, th CEF Workshop Praha, Czech Republic 3 The same old story:-) Utilization of dark fibres – CEF networks (the first DF line lighted in 1999, 2.5 Gb/s PoS) National Research and Educational Networks (NRENs) rely on leased dark fibres and prefer to have no active components between the transmitter and the receiver Repeater-less or better Nothing-in-line (NIL) approach Cost effective deployment of multi-gigabit lines (N x 1 GE, N x 10 GE) Single fibre bidirectional N x 10 GE transmission It is time to start to seriously talk about 40 G or even higher speeds (GN2-JRA4, a new NGN workshop, and of course HSSG) To make these innovative devices ready for deployment Innovative devices for dark fibre networks Motivations
September 19, th CEF Workshop Praha, Czech Republic 4 Optical amplifiers EDFAs boosters, preamps, inlines, 2in1 Raman amplification only – extending reach TDM pumped Ramans to suppress transient effects in long haul DWDM networks Deployment since May 2004 Innovative devices for dark fibre networks What is done
September 19, th CEF Workshop Praha, Czech Republic 5 Tuneable compensators of chromatic dispersion Not only FBG but Gires-Tournois etalons FBG for speeds above 10 Gb/s Up to 160 Gb/s optical signals Optical crossconnects or switches Clever patchpannels 8 x 8 matrix (1 to 1) With additional features multicasting (1 to many) Wavelength convertors and 2R regenerators SOA based Innovative devices for dark fibre networks New equipment
September 19, th CEF Workshop Praha, Czech Republic 6 Based on the CLA design Seems to be a good idea and decision ‚A new peripheral device only‘ Modular, management capabilities, upgrades, redundant Important for higher speeds and lightpaths Innovative devices for dark fibre networks New equipment – tuneable FBGs
September 19, th CEF Workshop Praha, Czech Republic 7 Not so known as FBGs or DCFs Very low insertion loss Commercial availability limited Important for higher speeds and lightpaths Innovative devices for dark fibre networks New equipment – Gires-Tournois etalons
September 19, th CEF Workshop Praha, Czech Republic 8 8 x 8 switching matrix (from a commercial vendor) Pretty raw, some interface for NOC folks really needed Again, the basic idea from the CLA design Web based management - GUI User accounts with different privileges (configure/check) AAA if needed, LDAP Time scheduler for sharing of expensive resources International links (lambdas) Power PCs ‚I would like to get a 10G link from 2 a.m. to 6 a.m. for my experiments‘ Perhaps the most important thing Innovative devices for dark fibre networks New equipment – Optical crossconnect
September 19, th CEF Workshop Praha, Czech Republic 9 Innovative devices for dark fibre networks New equipment – Optical crossconnect
September 19, th CEF Workshop Praha, Czech Republic 10 Different requests GUI useful and perhaps needed True optical multicast, not SONET/SDH drop and continue or port mirroring known from routers/switches Protocol agnostic, 1 to many (limited by optical losses but can be compensated for by amplifiers) Allows combinations of switching and multicasting from 1:1 to 1:4 Again, the basic idea from the CLA design Web based management User accounts with different privileges (configure/check) AAA if needed, LDAP Time scheduler for sharing of expensive resources Innovative devices for dark fibre networks New equipment – Optical multicast
September 19, th CEF Workshop Praha, Czech Republic 11 Innovative devices for dark fibre networks New equipment – Optical multicast
September 19, th CEF Workshop Praha, Czech Republic 12 Innovative devices for dark fibre networks New equipment – Optical multicast
September 19, th CEF Workshop Praha, Czech Republic 13 Based on SOAs Can be done with HNLF but high optical powers necessary 10 Gb/s, tested up to 40 Gb/s RZ signals Tested in our lab, more difficult to make a ‚black box‘ ready for deployment (polarization sensitive, more control elements) Innovative devices for dark fibre networks New equipment – Conversions/Regenerations
September 19, th CEF Workshop Praha, Czech Republic 14 As with static DWDM multigigabit links (Brno-Bratislava, Brno-Vienna) you can start to deploy new innovative devices Our presentation with photos from CEF 2006 It is not fantasy Used during yesterday and the day before yesterday And in CESNET experimental facility CzechLight and network CESNET2 Innovative devices for dark fibre networks Conclusions I. Conclusions
September 19, th CEF Workshop Praha, Czech Republic 15 These innovative devices must be ready for deployment, in other words NOC folks should find most of ‚standard‘ features If anybody is interested please let us know Innovative devices for dark fibre networks Conclusions II.
September 19, th CEF Workshop Praha, Czech Republic 16 [1] Vojtěch, J. - Karásek, M. - Radil, J., „All-Optical Chromatic Dispersion Compensation In Long-Haul Transmission Over 225km – With No Inline Amplification “, In: CSN [2] Petr Holub, Josef Vojtech, Jan Radil, et. al, „ Pure Optical (Photonic) Multicast“, GLIF 2007 Demo, Praha, [3] Vojtěch, J. „CzechLight and CzechLight Amplifiers “, In: 17th TF-NGN Zurich, Innovative devices for dark fibre networks References
September 19, th CEF Workshop Praha, Czech Republic 17 Lada Altmanová, Jan Gruntorád, Martin Míchal, Václav Novák, Stanislav Šíma And our new colleagues Jan Nejman and Miloslav Hůla for all SW related work Innovative devices for dark fibre networks Acknowledgements
September 19, th CEF Workshop Praha, Czech Republic 18 Innovative devices for dark fibre networks Thank you for your attention! Q & A
September 19, th CEF Workshop Praha, Czech Republic 19 Innovative devices for dark fibre networks