Facts about Indonesia’s Aging Population Social Security & Implementation Health Insurance Poverty Prevention The Way Forward
3 INDONESIA An archipelago of islands with more than 300 ethnic groups A highly populated country with 235 million people (older population is around 23 million) Spreading between Indian and Pacific ocean with miles.
POPULATION AGEING Indonesia is considered an aged-structured population. There are 11 of 33 provinces which average has reached 9.6% and mostly are in Java, Sumatera and Nusa Tenggara. By 2050, it is estimated to reach above 20% and its oldest population (80+) will grow more rapidly from below 0.5% in 1950 to almost 5% in Indonesia will experience a demographic dividend beginning the earlier part of this Century. Thus, Indonesia has quite limited time to prepare for an overall aged society.
SOCIAL ECONOMIC CONDITION The social economic condition of older persons especially in the rural area are low, support is mainly received from the family, efforts to improve health and welfare is not optimal, but psycho-social condition of older persons is relatively good. Education of the older population is generally low. However older people are mostly active. Around 80 % remain active at home, in the communities as well as in economic-productive activities. Health of older population related to morbidity rate tend to increase.
SOCIAL SECURITY Social protection and alleviation of poverty is regulated in Law no 13 year 1998 on Older person welfare. Social protection mainly is provided to non-potential or dependent older persons. In Law no 40 year 2004 on National Social Security System it has been stated that Social Security is one form of social protection to ensure that all the people are able to fulfill their basic needs for a sustainable livelihood. It is stated that social security program for the destitute and poor is paid by the Government. At its initial phase, paid by the Government for the health security program.
IMPLEMENTATION Due to limited State budget, social security for older people has not been provided yet. The Government through the Ministry of Social Affairs initiated the pre- testing of Older Person Social Security Beginning in 2006 the government implemented cash transfer for poor older people. That was a social security for very poor older people (JSLU) with index Rp ($ 35) per month /person. The total budget is about $ 4,2 Million, allocated in 10 provinces In 2011 the budget has been increased to $ 5,3 Million for all 33 provinces
Distribution of funds to older person social security recipient, technically is in cooperation with the Indonesia Postal Service through direct service by the postman to the address of the recipient and older person attendant. The Government through the Ministry of Social Affairs proposes the JSLU budget to be increased annually and developing a scheme that supports older people livelihood so that they remain active and productive.
HEALTH INSURANCE Started in 2004 the Indonesian government introduced the first phase of its plan to achieve universal health coverage through a mandatory public health insurance scheme or Health Insurance for the Poor (Askeskin). Askeskin, is targeted to provide primary health care services to the poor and increase access to care and financial protection for the poorest. In 2008, Askeskin evolved into Public Health Security (Jamkesmas). This is an Insurance program of the Ministry of Health that presently covers 76.4 million poor people. It is estimated that 10% of the poor people are the aged.
POVERTY PREVENTION Government conduct efforts : to empower potential older persons to prevent poverty through education or training, so that they are able to do or create jobs in their post pension work place both individually or as groups. To encourage economic group activities through older person social organizations to provide additional income. To facilitate community base organization to encourage involvement in poverty prevention and alleviation initiatives.
THE WAY FORWARD In anticipation of the rapid older population growth in this decade, important strategies to be taken are: To evaluate the existing policy & implementation on older person social security and poverty alleviation for its improvement and development in the future. To increase older person participation in the family, community and productive activities or development. To increase coordination and cooperation both at regional and international levels. >>><<<