Alabama Alternate Assessment (AAA) Reminders and Tips for
Things to Remember when Collecting Evidence: The Test Administrator should select the highest complexity level a student can achieve, most independently, and receive the most mastery. The Test Administrator should use the 2014 extended standards in reading and mathematics = increased rigor The scores are reflective of evidence submitted based upon complexity level selected The Achievement Level (overall score) is now = to the Complexity Level (performance of the student) Students performing at complexity levels 3 and 4 are expected to read, perform basic mathematical functions, and have the possibility of future employment and therefore will meet or exceed the standards Students performing at complexities 1 and 2 are NOT expected to meet or exceed standards Review the rubric posted for each subject to avoid invalidation
Common Scoring Errors from Spring 2015: Evidence indicated teacher read story at complexity 3 and 4 versus student read Evidence incorrectly identified for complexity level (evidence uploaded was complexity 3 but indicated as complexity 2) Evidence uploaded was illegible (unable to be scored due to inability to read evidence) Misunderstanding of required evidence, example: Identify a historical document (Bill of Rights; the Constitution) and not a worksheet based on a 60 Minutes documentary of the President Follow the rubric and provide ALL minimum evidence (if stated - provide a different word/story/picture per piece of evidence; correct number of items requested; notice the AND to include both items) Content area = subject area text (example: Science, Social Studies, Language Arts) A Word Problem = mathematical word problem that includes equation and answer
Proficiency Level Comparison AAA administered Complexity Level 1 non-verbal and a non-reader Who participated, attended, and responded for his/her evidence Scored for his/her overall proficiency on the assessment Achievement Level III Which stated the student: Meets Standards AAA administered 2014-present Complexity Level 1 non-verbal and a non-reader Who participated, attended, and indicated for his/her evidence Scored for his/her overall proficiency on the assessment Achievement Level I Which stated the student: Does Not Meet Standards This demonstration shows the increase in the rigor of the assessment. In order for a student to be proficient on the overall assessment, scoring an Achievement Level III or IV, the student will need to be working at a Complexity Level 3 or 4.
Additional Tips and Resources: For AAA Related Documents, click on the following link on the Student Assessment Webpage: AAA AAA – AAA Overview PowerPoint – AAA Required Evidence for Submission Handouts – AAA Minimum Evidence Rubrics – Engrade Procedures Manual – Engrade Procedures Video Link
Nannette Pence in Student Assessment: or Cynthia Mayo in Special Education Services: Contact Information: