Overview and Features The term PIC stands for Peripheral Interface Controller. Microchip Technology, USA. Basically RISC microcontrollers 5 ports It has two types of internal memories. One is program memory and the other is data memory.
Features Speed : When operated at its maximum clock rate a PIC executes most of its instructions in 0.2 s or five instructions per microsecond. Instruction set Simplicity : The instruction set is so simple that it consists of only just 35 instructions Integration of operational features: Power-on-reset (POR) and brown-out protection ensure that the chip operates only when the supply voltage is within specifications. A watch dog timer resets the PIC if the chip malfunctions or deviates from its normal operation at any time. Programmable timer options: Three timers can characterize inputs, control outputs and provide internal timing for the program execution.
Features Interrupt control: Up to 12 independent interrupt sources can control when the CPU deal with each sources. Powerful output pin control: A single instruction can select and drive a single output pin high or low in its 0.2 s instruction execution time. The PIC can drive a load of up to 25 A. I/O port expansion: With the help of built in serial peripheral interface the number of I/O ports can be expanded. EPROM/DIP/ROM options are provided.
ARCHITECTURE - PIC16FXX - Harvard architecture
Memory organization and register file structure The memory module of the PICcontroller has three memory blocks. Program memory Data memory and Stack REGISTER FILE STRUCTURE In PIC Microcontrollers the Register File consists of two parts namely General Purpose Register File Special Purpose Register File
Program Memory
DATA MEMORY The data memory of PIC 16F8XX is partitioned into multiple banks which contain the general purpose registers and the Special function Registers.(SFRs). The bits RP1 and RP0 bits of the status register are used to select these banks. Each bank extends upto 7FH(128 Bytes). The lower bytes of the each bank are reserved for the Special Function Registers. Above the SFRs are general purpose registers implemented as static RAM.
Register file structure General Purpose Register File: The general purpose register file is another name for the microcontroller’s RAM. Data can be written to each 8-bit location updated and retrieved any number of times. Special Purpose Register File: The special function register file consists of input, output ports and control registers used to configure each 8-bit port either as input or output. It contains registers that provide the data input and data output to a chip resources like Timers, Serial Ports and Analog to Digital converter the registers that contains control bits for selecting the mode of operation and also enabling or disabling its operation.
Register file structure
CPU REGISTERS Microcontroller has the following registers. Working Register-W (Similar to Accumulator) Status Register FSR – File Select Register (Indirect Data memory address pointer) INDF Program Counter
Status Register DC: Digit carry/borrow bit Z: Zero bit NOT_PD : Reset Status bit (Power-down mode bit) NOT_TO : Reset Status bit (tme- out bit) RPO: Register bank Select
FSR – (File Select Register) It is the pointer used for indirect addressing. In the indirect addressing mode the 8-bit register file address is first written into FSR. It is a special purpose register that serves as an address pointer to any address through out the entire register file.
INDF – (Indirect File): It is not a physical register addressing but this INDF will cause indirect addressing. Any instruction using the INDF register actually access the register pointed to by the FSR.
PROGRAM COUNTER PIC PIC16F877A has a 13 bit program counter in which PCL is the lower 8- bits of the PC and PCLATH is the write buffer for the upper 5 bits of the PC. PCLATH (program counter Latch can be read or from or written to without affecting the Program Counter(PC). The upper 3 bits of PCLATH remain zero. It is only when PCL is written to that PCLATH is automatically written into the PC at the same time.
Parallel I/O Ports