What is Engineering? Meeting today’s challenges and creating tomorrow’s future by practically applying scientific knowledge.
Isn’t engineering the same thing as science?
Engineering Using technological and scientific knowledge to solve practical problems.
Science The study of our natural world through observation, identification, description, experimental investigation and theoretical explanations.
Discovers The World That Exists. Creates The World That Never Was. -Theodore Von Karman
Engineers People who are trained in and use technological and scientific knowledge to solve practical problems.
What is Engineering? Using technological and scientific knowledge… Science explains how a magnet works.
What is Engineering? …to solve practical problems. Engineering uses a magnet to be able to see inside the human body.
What is Engineering? Using technological and scientific knowledge… Science explains how we can capture images on a camera.
What is Engineering? …to solve practical problems. Engineering creates a pill that has a camera to take pictures of the human digestive tract.
What is Engineering? …to solve practical problems. Engineering created a table saw that can cut through wood, yet will stop immediately if it hits human flesh.
Engineering Disciplines Aerospace Mechanical Computer Electrical Civil Environmental Chemical Industrial Biomedical Nuclear Materials And More
What is an Engineering Technician? A worker that is highly trained to perform specific tasks and generally follow procedures developed by engineers.
What’s the difference? 4-5 year Bachelor’s Degree $70,000-$100,000 average salary Designs, Invents, Improves- Supervisor 2 year Associate’s Degree $45,000 - $60,000 average salary Hands-on; Works for an Engineer
What is an Artisan? A skilled manual worker Artisans do primarily hands-on work. Artisans are usually paid hourly; not by salary. Artisans follow procedures and plans designed by engineers.
Ergonomics How humans interact with man-made objects. The goal of ergonomics is to create and environment that is well-suited to a user’s physical needs.
Footprint The area covered by something, such as machinery or equipment
Engineers Design Solutions What does design mean? -to create a plan for the construction of an object or a system; invent
Engineers Follow A Process The Engineering Design Process is a step-by-step problem-solving strategy, with criteria and constraints, used to develop many possible solutions and then choose the best one.
The Engineering Design Process
What is the problem? What exactly are you being asked to do?
What are the requirements? What MUST your solution do? (Be a certain size? Hold a certain amount of weight?)
What are the constraints? A constraint is a limit to the design process. It may be things such as appearance, funding, space, material, and/or human capabilities.
Brainstorm Ideas Brainstorming is a method of shared problem solving in which all members of the group spontaneously generate ideas in an unrestricted discussion
Choose the Best Idea Discuss your ideas. Determine if they meet the requirements and constraints. Then use a Decision Matrix to compare each idea and decide which one is the best.
Decision Matrix A tool for systematically ranking alternatives according to a specific set of criteria
Option- List the things that are good about this design. List the things that are not so good about this design. Design Matrix
Option 1- A tripod List the things that are good about this design. Uses less paper List the things that are not so good about this design. Hard to balance the book on top Legs might slide apart Example Design Matrix Paper Table Challenge
Option 2- Four Tubes- one at each corner List the things that are good about this design. Will support the book evenly Shouldn’t slide apart List the things that are not so good about this design. Uses more paper Example Design Matrix Paper Table Challenge
Draw Your Design Create a detailed drawing that clearly shows what your solution will look like. This should include the exact criteria for your design.
Criteria Criteria is the desired specifications(elements or features) of a product or system.
Gather Your Materials Make sure you have everything you will need to create your design.
Follow Your Plan Use your drawings and materials to actually build, create, prepare, etc. your design.
Test It Out Try it and analyze the outcome.
Analyze Analyze means to examine carefully and in detail so as to identify causes, key factors, possible results, etc.
Does it meet the requirements? If not, begin the process again to find a solution to this problem. If so, begin the process again to make it better.
Does it meet the constraints? If not, begin the process again to find a solution to this problem. If so, begin the process again to make it better.
What changes can you make to improve your design? Engineers are ALWAYS trying to improve their design! They are NEVER “Finished!”