Project ScopeProject Scope Creating an ontology that relates the basic information of various different musical genres Provide up-to-date musical genres Information including date of origins, region, and main instruments of use
Creating DefinitionsCreating Definitions What is the scope of the ontology? What terms do we need to discuss? What are the properties of these terms? What do you want to say about these term?
Definitions Instrument - Any of various devices that can be used to produce musical tones or sound. Music - Vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion. Music Genre - An expressive style of music. Vocal - Rendered by or intended for singing. Time Period - The categorization of time into discrete named blocks is called periodization.
Is-a HierarchyIs-a Hierarchy
Existing WorkExisting Work Timeline ontology Instrument ontology Movie ontology
Similarities and DifferencesSimilarities and Differences has similar ideas regarding genre taxonomy Updated genres and instrument classes and subclasses Reduced multi-inheritance Extended information
Examples from OntologyExamples from Ontology
Applications Extension of music ontology Used to categorize music for both personal use and research refine searches in musical domain