What is Parenting? Parenting/Child Development Mrs. Wagner
Parenting - providing care, support, and love that leads to a child’s total development Parenthood – father or mother Caregiver – person who loves, cares for and guides a child Examples: Who needs parenting skills?
Basic Skills Physical Care - Examples? Nurturing – support and encourage - attention, love, sense of security - Need to know someone cares about them Guidance – words and actions that adults use to influence children’s behaviors - Right & Wrong - Emotional & Social skill
Write a description of a caregiver you have had and explain how they fulfilled the three essential elements of parenting (Physical, Nurturing & Guidance).
Importance of Parenting Education begins at birth Children learn about themselves Form child’s self-concept – image of oneself Self-Esteem – a person’s opinion, belie or judgment about one’s worthiness – Feelings about yourself A good parent needs a positive self- concept and self-esteem Both begin in infancy
Parents can shape and mold a child by? How – build self-esteem and self-concept?
Types of Parenthood Biological Parent – one of two people who conceive a child (birth parents) Adoptive – Legally raising a child as your own. Have all legal rights as biological. Step-Parent – person whose spouse has children from an earlier relationship
Foster Parent – provides care in time of emergency. Selected by agencies and receive payment Legal Guardianship – appointed by courts – usually after death of parents to close relatives