Steve Petch Sunday 3 rd January 2010 What’s the deal with fasting?
Isn’t fasting a bit weird?
What’s the deal with fasting? What did Jesus say about it? Matthew 6 v “WHEN you fast…”
What’s the deal with fasting? 1.What is fasting? 2.What should we fast from? 3.How long should we fast for and how often? 4.Why should we do it? 5.What should our attitude be?
What’s the deal with fasting? 1. What is fasting? Abstaining from food (and maybe drink) as an act of devotion to God It can be private (personal) or corporate (joint)
What’s the deal with fasting? 2. What should we fast from? Food (obviously) Occasionally people fasted from food and water Daniel did a partial fast
What’s the deal with fasting? 3. How long should we fast for and how often? 24 hours 3 days 21 days 40 days Twice a week Weekly Often Annually Never
What’s the deal with fasting? Are you confused yet? There is no biblical requirement for fasting and there is no rule to be followed! IT’S A MATTER OF THE HEART
What’s the deal with fasting? 4. Why should we fast? Fasting is not: Trying to lose weight Trying to make God happy with us Trying to change God’s mind
What’s the deal with fasting? 4. Why should we fast? Repentance Mourning Humility To give weight to our prayers
What’s the deal with fasting? 5. What should our attitude be? Repentance Mourning our nation’s sin and our own Humbling ourselves Seeking God’s heart and his will
Steve Petch Sunday 3 rd January 2010 What’s the deal with fasting?