Name Physical Description Personality Traits Additional InformationPicture Major Minor -Almost 14 years old -Pretty -Girly -Not adventurous -Obedient -Curious Follower Major Minor - 11 years old - Going into 6 th grade -Adventurer -Not Studious -Disobedient -Clever Major Minor -Persuasive -Relentless Name: ______Chart #1_____________ Period: ________ Character Chart Fablehaven by Brandon Mull Kendra Completed 9/16/11 Seth Completed 9/16/11 Mom Completed 9/16/11
Name Physical Description Personality Traits Additional InformationPicture Major Minor -Anxious -Eager Major Minor - Older - Physically Fit - Stubbly White Beard - Faded Jeans, Flannel Shirt and Work Boots - Strict - Hard Worker - Reasonable Major Minor Name: _______________________ Period: ________ Character Chart Fablehaven by Brandon Mull Dad Completed 9/16/11 Grandpa Sorenson Completed 9/16/11 Grandma Sorenson
Name Physical Description Personality Traits Additional InformationPicture Major Minor -Tall -Lanky -Large Ears -Nice -Hard Working -Helpful Major Minor - Older woman -Asian -White Hair with Black Streaks -Ageless (looks young) -Almond Shaped Black Eyes -Short -Exotic -Unique -Hard Worker -Experienced -Helpful -Used to be a naiad -Saved and married Patton Burgess Major Minor - White Matted Hair w/ tint of yellow -Fungus on toes - Yellow Eyes with 1 Blood Shot Eye -Wrinkles – Old -Purple Scabs -Large Feet with Bug Bites -Bony Fingers/Knobby Knuckles -Missing Teeth - Saliva -Bloody Rope -Rags of Clothes -Suspicious -Polite -Sneaky -Witch -Mortal (living) -Used to be beautiful and married -Shack “her prison” Name: _______________________ Period: ________ Character Chart Fablehaven by Brandon Mull Dale Completed 9/16/11 Lena Completed 9/19/11 Updated 9/26/11 Old Lady (Muriel Taggert) Completed 9/19/11 Updated 9/21/11
Name Physical Description Personality Traits Additional InformationPicture Major Minor -Chicken -Orange (Gold Feathers) - Pet Major Minor -Tiny -Women -Elegant -Gorgeous -Wings -Conceited -Selfish -Vain -Catching a fairy leaves her powerless -Only visible if you drink the milk -Have their own language -Not Good -Turn to imps if trapped indoors overnight Major Minor -Water Nymph - Women -Beautiful -Whimsical -Persuasive -Drown humans -Lena used to be a naiad -Naiad become mortal by leaving the pond on their own Name: _______________________ Period: ________ Character Chart Fablehaven by Brandon Mull Goldilocks Completed 9/19/11 Fairies Completed 9/23/11 Naiads Completed 9/23/11
Name Physical Description Personality Traits Additional InformationPicture Major Minor Infer from information given on page Hardworking -Like to fix things -Only magical creature allowed in the house (p. 113) Major Minor - Fairy -Cruel -No Compassion -Most powerful figure in all Fairydom -Lives on the island in the middle of the pond Major Minor -Taller than Grandpa -Broad -Curly brown hair -Mountain Man -Missing bottom of one ear lobe -Hard worker -Determined -Persistent - Fairy Broker (traps, buys, sells and trades fairies) Name: _______________________ Period: ________ Character Chart Fablehaven by Brandon Mull Brownies Completed 9/23/11 Updated 10/3/11 Fairy Queen Completed 9/23/11 Updated 10/3/11 Maddox Fisk Completed 9/26/11
Name Physical Description Personality Traits Additional InformationPicture Major Minor -Practice Black Arts -Organization that overthrows preserves Major Minor Page 125 -Where do imps go? Page 137 -Are they allowed in the yard? Major Minor Page 154 -Strong Name: _______________________ Period: ________ Character Chart Fablehaven by Brandon Mull The Society of the Evening Star Completed 9/26/11 Imps Completed 10/3/11 Hugo Completed 10/3/11