CS 345: Topics in Data Warehousing Thursday, November 18, 2004
Review of Tuesday’s Class Data Mining –What is data mining? –Types of data mining –Data mining pitfalls Decision Tree Classifiers –What is a decision tree? –Learning decision trees –Entropy –Information Gain –Cross-Validation
Overview of Today’s Class Assignment #3 clarifications Association Rule Mining –Market basket analysis –What is an association rule? –Frequent itemsets Association rule mining algorithms –A-priori algorithm –Speeding up A-priori using hashing –One- and two-pass algorithms * Adapted from slides by Vipin Kumar (Minnesota) and Rajeev Motwani (Stanford)
Aggregate Tables FACT Dimension n dimension columns = 2 n possible aggregates 2 are special All columns = original dimension table No grouping columns Only 1 row No reason to join to FACT AGG Eliminate this foreign key from the fact aggregate table
Candidate Column Sets Including fact aggregates that use some base dimension tables is optional
Association Rule Mining Given a set of transactions, find rules that will predict the occurrence of an item based on the occurrences of other items in the transaction Also known as market basket analysis Market-Basket transactions Example of Association Rules {Diaper} {Beer}, {Milk, Bread} {Eggs,Coke}, {Beer, Bread} {Milk}, Implication means co-occurrence, not causality!
Definition: Frequent Itemset Itemset –A collection of one or more items Example: {Milk, Bread, Diaper} –k-itemset An itemset that contains k items Support count ( ) –Frequency of occurrence of an itemset –E.g. ({Milk, Bread,Diaper}) = 2 Support –Fraction of transactions that contain an itemset –E.g. s({Milk, Bread, Diaper}) = 2/5 Frequent Itemset –An itemset whose support is greater than or equal to a minsup threshold
Definition: Association Rule Example: Association Rule –An implication expression of the form X Y, where X and Y are itemsets –Example: {Milk, Diaper} {Beer} Rule Evaluation Metrics –Support (s) Fraction of transactions that contain both X and Y –Confidence (c) Measures how often items in Y appear in transactions that contain X
Association Rule Mining Task Given a set of transactions T, the goal of association rule mining is to find all rules having –support ≥ minsup threshold –confidence ≥ minconf threshold High confidence = strong pattern High support = occurs often –Less likely to be random occurrence –Larger potential benefit from acting on the rule
Application 1 (Retail Stores) Real market baskets –chain stores keep TBs of customer purchase info –Value? how typical customers navigate stores positioning tempting items suggests cross-sell opportunities – e.g., hamburger sale while raising ketchup price … High support needed, or no $$’s
Application 2 (Information Retrieval) Scenario 1 –baskets = documents –items = words in documents –frequent word-groups = linked concepts. Scenario 2 –items = sentences –baskets = documents containing sentences –frequent sentence-groups = possible plagiarism
Application 3 (Web Search) Scenario 1 –baskets = web pages –items = outgoing links –pages with similar references about same topic Scenario 2 –baskets = web pages –items = incoming links –pages with similar in-links mirrors, or same topic
Mining Association Rules Example of Rules: {Milk,Diaper} {Beer} (s=0.4, c=0.67) {Milk,Beer} {Diaper} (s=0.4, c=1.0) {Diaper,Beer} {Milk} (s=0.4, c=0.67) {Beer} {Milk,Diaper} (s=0.4, c=0.67) {Diaper} {Milk,Beer} (s=0.4, c=0.5) {Milk} {Diaper,Beer} (s=0.4, c=0.5) Observations: All the above rules are binary partitions of the same itemset: {Milk, Diaper, Beer} Rules originating from the same itemset have identical support but can have different confidence Thus, we may decouple the support and confidence requirements
Mining Association Rules Goal – find all association rules such that –support –confidence Reduction to Frequent Itemsets Problems –Find all frequent itemsets X –Given X={A 1, …,A k }, generate all rules X-A j A j –Confidence = sup(X)/sup(X-A j ) –Support = sup(X) –Exclude rules whose confidence is too low Observe X-A j also frequent support known Finiding all frequent itemsets is the hard part!
Itemset Lattice Given m items, there are 2 m -1 possible candidate itemsets
Scale of Problem WalMart –sells m=100,000 items –tracks n=1,000,000,000 baskets Web –several billion pages –approximately one new “word” per page Exponential number of itemsets –m items → 2 m -1 possible itemsets –Cannot possibly example all itemsets for large m –Even itemsets of size 2 may be too many –m=100,000 → 5 trillion item pairs
Frequent Itemsets in SQL DBMSs are poorly suited to association rule mining Star schema –Sales Fact –Transaction ID degenerate dimension –Item dimension Finding frequent 3-itemsets: SELECT Fact1.ItemID, Fact2.ItemID, Fact3.ItemID, COUNT(*) FROM Fact1 JOIN Fact2 ON Fact1.TID = Fact2.TID AND Fact1.ItemID 1000 Finding frequent k-itemsets requires joining k copies of fact table –Joins are non-equijoins –Impossibly expensive!
Association Rules and Data Warehouses Typical procedure: –Use data warehouse to apply filters Mine association rules for certain regions, dates –Export all fact rows matching filters to flat file Sort by transaction ID Items in same transaction are grouped together –Perform association rule mining on flat file An alternative: –Database vendors are beginning to add specialized data mining capabilities –Efficient algorithms for common data mining tasks are built in to the database system Decisions trees, association rules, clustering, etc. –Not standardized yet
Finding Frequent Pairs Frequent 2-Sets –hard case already –focus for now, later extend to k-sets Naïve Algorithm –Counters – all m(m–1)/2 item pairs (m = # of distinct items) –Single pass – scanning all baskets –Basket of size b – increments b(b–1)/2 counters Failure? –if memory < m(m–1)/2 –m=100,000 → 5 trillion item pairs –Naïve algorithm is impractical for large m
Pruning Candidate Itemsets Monotonicity principle: –If an itemset is frequent, then all of its subsets must also be frequent Monotonicity principle holds due to the following property of the support measure: Converse: –If an itemset is infrequent, then all of its supersets must also be infrequent
Found to be Infrequent Illustrating Monotonicity Principle Pruned supersets
A-Priori Algorithm A-Priori – 2-pass approach in limited memory Pass 1 –m counters (candidate items in A) –Linear scan of baskets b –Increment counters for each item in b Mark as frequent, f items of count at least s Pass 2 –f(f-1)/2 counters (candidate pairs of frequent items) –Linear scan of baskets b –Increment counters for each pair of frequent items in b Failure – if memory < f(f–1)/2 –Suppose that 10% of items are frequent –Memory is (m 2 / 200) vs. (m 2 / 2)
Finding Larger Itemsets Goal – extend A-Priori to frequent k-sets, k > 2 Monotonicity itemset X is frequent only if X – {X j } is frequent for all X j Idea –Stage k – finds all frequent k-sets –Stage 1 – gets all frequent items –Stage k – maintain counters for all candidate k-sets –Candidates – k-sets whose (k–1)-subsets are all frequent –Total cost: number of passes = max size of frequent itemset
A-Priori Algorithm Items (1-itemsets) Pairs (2-itemsets) (No need to generate candidates involving Coke or Eggs) Triplets (3-itemsets) Minimum Support = 3 If every subset is considered, 6 C C C 3 = 41 With support-based pruning, = 15
Memory Usage – A-Priori Candidate Items Pass 1Pass 2 Frequent Items Candidate Pairs MEMORYMEMORY MEMORYMEMORY
PCY Idea Improvement upon A-Priori –Uses less memory –Proposed by Park, Chen, and Yu Observe – during Pass 1, memory mostly idle Idea –Use idle memory for hash-table H –Pass 1 – hash pairs from b into H –Increment counter at hash location –At end – bitmap of high-frequency hash locations –Pass 2 – bitmap extra condition for candidate pairs Similar to bit-vector filtering in “Bloom join”
Memory Usage – PCY Candidate Items Pass 1Pass 2 MEMORYMEMORY MEMORYMEMORY Hash Table Frequent Items Bitmap Candidate Pairs
PCY Algorithm Pass 1 –m counters and hash-table T –Linear scan of baskets b –Increment counters for each item in b –Increment hash-table counter for each item-pair in b Mark as frequent, f items of count at least s Summarize T as bitmap (count > s bit = 1) Pass 2 –Counter only for F qualified pairs (X i,X j ): both are frequent pair hashes to frequent bucket (bit=1) –Linear scan of baskets b –Increment counters for candidate qualified pairs of items in b
Multistage PCY Algorithm Problem – False positives from hashing New Idea –Multiple rounds of hashing –After Pass 1, get list of qualified pairs –In Pass 2, hash only qualified pairs –Fewer pairs hash to buckets less false positives (buckets with count >s, yet no pair of count >s) –In Pass 3, less likely to qualify infrequent pairs Repetition – reduce memory, but more passes Failure – memory < O(f+F)
Memory Usage – Multistage PCY Candidate Items Pass 1Pass 2 Hash Table 1 Frequent Items Bitmap Frequent Items Bitmap 1 Bitmap 2 Candidate Pairs Hash Table 2
Approximation Techniques Goal –find all frequent k-sets –reduce to 2 passes –must lose something accuracy Approaches –Sampling algorithm –SON (Savasere, Omiecinski, Navathe) Algorithm –Toivonen Algorithm
Sampling Algorithm Pass 1 – load random sample of baskets in memory Run A-Priori (or enhancement) –Scale-down support threshold (e.g., if 1% sample, use s/100 as support threshold) –Compute all frequent k-sets in memory from sample –Need to leave enough space for counters Pass 2 –Keep counters only for frequent k-sets of random sample –Get exact counts for candidates to validate Error? –No false positives (Pass 2) –False negatives (X frequent, but not in sample)
SON Algorithm Pass 1 – Batch Processing –Scan data on disk –Repeatedly fill memory with new batch of data –Run sampling algorithm on each batch –Generate candidate frequent itemsets Candidate Itemsets – if frequent in some batch Pass 2 – Validate candidate itemsets Monotonicity Property Itemset X is frequent overall frequent in at least one batch
Toivonen’s Algorithm Lower Threshold in Sampling Algorithm –Example – if support threshold is 1%, use 0.8% as support threshold when evaluating sample –Goal – overkill to avoid any false negatives Negative Border –Itemset X infrequent in sample, but all subsets are frequent –Example: AB, BC, AC frequent, but ABC infrequent Pass 2 –Count candidates and negative border –Negative border itemsets all infrequent candidates are exactly the frequent itemsets –Otherwise? – start over! Achievement? – reduced failure probability, while keeping candidate-count low enough for memory