1. How do you get information on healthy food?
2. Why is eating healthily important?
3. How much practical knowledge on eating habits do you gain from school?
4. How often do you work out?
5. Why is it important to work out?
6. What is of utmost importance to you?
7. In the future I want to continue my education in order to
8. Schools should be more active in seeking to instill core ethical values like honesty, responsibility, respect and developing good character in children.
9. The development of ethics and character in children is exclusively the responsibility of parents; Schools should not be involved.
10. The values and behavior of young people are about the same as their parents’.
11. In today’s society, one has to lie or cheat at least occasionally in order to succeed.
12. I am more ethical than most people I know.
13. I am satisfied with my own ethics and character.
14. The level of education I have received is