National FFA National FFA Organization Premier Leadership Personal Growth Career Success Indianapolis, Indiana
FFA Mission Our Mission FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.
FFA – Discover the Power l 455,306 FFA members in 7,226 schools in 50 States, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands l School based – over 11,000 teachers delivering innovative, cutting-edge integrated curriculum l Members participate in hands-on work experience – apply knowledge learned in class l Members prepare for more than 300 careers in the science, business and technology of agriculture Our Future
Horatio Alger Association l Assesses the “ State of Our Nation ’ s Youth ” – annual survey regarding the thoughts and opinions of the typical student l Horatio Alger Association – Seeks to motivate and educate nation ’ s youth – Communicates that American dream is attainable goal – Identifies outstanding role models The American Dream
Purdue University Study l Independent Survey and Study l Compares FFA members and agricultural education students to the “ typical high school student ” l Statistical results reveal the differential value of the Ag Ed / FFA program Independent Survey
FFA members experience greater personal growth! l More actively engaged in school and community activities l 91% vs. 66% relate personal effort to personal success l 93% believe it ’ s “ important to do their best ” vs. 73% of typical student l Are involved in experiential learning l Receive recognition and awards for their contributions Involved
FFA members are academically oriented! l Enthusiastic about studies 83% say “ Courses are exciting ” vs. 32% of typical student l Enjoy and seek challenging coursework l Attach value to their agriculture studies l 86% go on to colleges and universities (vs 84%)! l FFA offers national and state scholarship opportunities! Positive Attitude
FFA members are career oriented ! l Earn triple that of the average student l Define career objectives with specific goals l Graduate with specific career in mind l More likely to identify career in agriculture l 89% of FFA members “ Believe in career success and are optimistic about future ” vs. 68% of typical student Opportunity
Purdue Study Synopsis FFA members ’ attitudes and behaviors indicate they benefit more from their personal, academic and career experiences during school than does the typical student. Are FFA members different?
The FFA Member is … l Well rounded and respected l Committed, loyal, hardworking l Motivated, a lifelong learner l Moral, ethical, value-driven and community-oriented l Prepared and proven … Professional a Leader
Make a Difference ! FFA offers...Opportunity Challenge yourself! Get involved! Participate! Make a difference—not only in your life, but in others as well!
FFA Mission Our Mission FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.