The Millennium Development Goals The fight against global poverty and inequality
GOAL ONE The Australian Government is very concerned about the impact that ongoing food insecurity and price volatility is having on the poor in developing countries. To play its part in addressing this, on 12 May 2009, it announced a four-year, $464 million global food security initiative. It also reflects the government’s commitment to increase support for Africa, with this additional $100 million committed to food security across the continent. The initiative focuses on: 1. lifting agricultural productivity 2. improving rural livelihoods 3. building community resilience Eradicate extreme hunger and poverty
GOAL TWO Australia’s education assistance is focussed on promoting equity (providing education for all), improving quality and strengthening education systems in our bilateral partner countries. Australia’s education assistance aims to reach the disadvantaged and marginalised, including through the provision of more equitable access to quality education for girls and boys with disabilities. the priorities of the Australian aid program are to: improve the functioning of national education systems to enable more girls and boys to complete primary school and progress to higher levels of education improve the relevance and quality of education, including in vocational and technical education, so students acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for life and productive employment. Achieve universal primary education
GOAL THREE Australia’s aid program aims to help promote gender equality and empower women in partner countries. This is the goal of Millennium Development Goal 3, and is also central to the achievement of all the other MDGs. Investments in women's and girls' education and health yield some of the highest returns of all development investments, including reduced rates of maternal mortality, better educated and healthier children and increased household incomes. Australia’s approach to achieving gender equality extends beyond improving female health and education. It means access to economic resources, participation and leadership in decision making, and respect for the human rights of women, including the right to a life free of violence. Promote gender equality and empower women
GOAL FOUR Australia also continues to work in partnership with WHO on specific issues of importance to our region such as the surveillance and control of avian influenza, pandemic preparedness, prevention of avoidable blindness, tobacco control, improvements in diet and physical activity, and laboratory strengthening. The Australian Government provides the funds for Australia's assessed contribution to the regular budget of WHO. Reduce child mortality
GOAL FIVE Australia helps countries develop better quality, cost effective and community focused health systems that are sustainable and that lead to better health outcomes in the long term. The government recognises that increasing the number of skilled health workers, including midwives, is essential in improving health outcomes. In response to health workforce constraints, Australia is providing education and training support in a number of countries. For example, we have helped upgrade all nine of PNG’s nursing degree programs and in Indonesia worked with provincial partners to improve the clinical and non-clinical skills of midwives. Improve maternal health
GOAL SIX To achieve these targets, the strategy recommends a focus on six priorities: intensifying HIV prevention; optimising the role of health services within HIV responses; strengthening coordination and capacity to scale up HIV responses; reviewing legal and policy frameworks to enable effective responses to HIV; building the evidence base for an effective HIV response; and demonstrating and fostering leadership on HIV Australia plays a strategic leadership role internationally by: Belonging to a constituency on the Board of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Signing a Partnership Agreement with UNAIDS Being Member of the steering committee for the Asia Pacific Leadership Forum on HIV/AIDS (APLF) Initiating the Asia-Pacific Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS Working in partnership with the Clinton Health Access Initiative Encouraging leadership and advocacy through Australia’s HIV Ambassador Australia also works with the World Trade Organization and the World Health Organization to improve the accessibility and affordability of essential HIV/AIDS drugs Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases
GOAL SEVEN Addressing environmental and climate change challenges is central to the poverty reduction efforts of the development assistance program. Australia has committed significant resources to combat the effect of climate change globally and in our region. The Government's ratification of the Kyoto Protocol demonstrated its commitment to participating fully in international efforts to address global warming. Ensure environmental sustainability