“Physics First” Debate to Data Rachel Zabierek The Bishop’s School La Jolla, CA
Physics First: Debate to Data Image Source: Late 1990s – Leon Lederman and Project ARISE Invert traditional Bio-Chem-Phys science course sequence as part of an effort to “revolutionize” American science education
Anticipated outcomes of Phys-Chem-Bio sequence – Students experience greater coherency and integration of science concepts – Provide concurrent context for algebra usage (in Physics course) – Allow for more authentic inquiry-based approach in all science courses – Should encourage schools/districts to create a seamless K-12 science education process – Provide enhanced support for girls, minorities, economically disadvantaged students (?) Physics First: Debate to Data
Other “pro” arguments – More logical progression, follows “grain-size” hierarchy of science – Increased enrollment in physics courses “Con” arguments – Lack of necessary mathematical skills – Freshmen?!? – Dearth of qualified physics teachers – Difficulty of conversion process – Textbooks Physics First: Debate to Data
Data? – Mostly qualitative – Some causal-comparative or correlational, but limited in scope – Hot topics: Mathematical rigor Can freshmen really “learn Physics”? Teacher preparedness Curriculum content/textbooks Pedagogy Science course enrollment College performance Physics First: Debate to Data
Goodman, R. & Etkina, E. (2008). Squaring the circle: A mathematically rigorous Physics First. Physics Teacher, 46(4), – Algebra-based Physics course successfully prepare students for future science courses? 85-90% of “physics topics” teachable with algebra 9 th grade course – AP Physics B mechanics and E&M 10 th grade course – remaining AP Physics B topics By 2006, students taking AP science courses and passing tests at 4.5x the NJ state average Students graduating with average of 4.2 science courses Average math SAT scores within 0.1σ of state average Physics First: Debate to Data
Burgess, T. & Goff, K. (2011). Physics First Impact on Advanced Placement Biology and Science Enrollment. Unpublished. – Juniors (P/C/B), Seniors (IS/Bio/Chem) in AP Biology course – Administered multiple choice portion of 2002 AP Biology exam – No difference in performance of cohorts (juniors scored slightly higher, but not statistically significant) Physics First: Debate to Data
Sadler, P. & Tai, R. (2007). The Two High-School Pillars Supporting College Science. Science, 317, – Effects of high school science and math on performance in intro-level college science courses – n=8500 – “Out-of-discipline” course performance had no effect (ex. high school physics performance had no effect on college intro bio performance) – Study in same subject increased performance – Number/level of math courses increased performance Physics First: Debate to Data
WARNING!! Shameless plug… – Master’s thesis – Science perceptions and attitudes of PCB vs. BCP students – Survey of junior/senior students who have just completed sequence – TOSRA and other questions – Vertical integration? Scientifically literate? Coordination with math? – Teacher/administrator survey Physics First: Debate to Data
In Conclusion… – Lack of quantitative data to measure “effectiveness” in pedagogical approach, success in future science courses – Difficulty in defining “Physics First” poses problems, lack of standardization – What exactly are we hoping to see? Greater scientific literacy? How to measure? Physics First: Debate to Data
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