Novel Study- Traveling through reading Expectations Composition Notebook set up
Expectations Remember to bring you novel study work and book every day. In order to finish a novel in the 3 week time frame, you MUST read every night and complete a page of codes and literature log.
Set up When in doubt: refer to the check list In order to receive full credit, your set up must follow the checklist order. Each page must include the title of the page. Ex: “Characters” must be written on the top of the page.
Page 1- Title Page Must include all of the following in this order: Title Author Year published Student name
Page 2-Characters Name p.# Quality Description of each character. Add a picture with color for added points.
Page 3- Setting Place p.#*Quality description in paragraph format. *You must draw and color the characters based on evidence from the story. *depending on the book, you may have multiple settings.
Page 4-Plot Exposition-Explain ● Rising Action ● Climax ● Falling Action ● Resolution-Explain in detail
Page 5- Theme You must have at least 1 theme identified and explained. * When explaining: you are focusing on the significance of the lesson, by including evidence from the story. A theme is a lesson or moral the character learns, as well as, the reader.
Codes Page Layout: Day 1 chapter/pages ____ Page# codes Summary of thinking Pg #4 *Explain why/what you loved about that page $ Vocabulary word and definition Must have 2 words!!! Pg # 12 * Explain why/what made you upset
Literature Log Every day you should be connecting your reading with yourself. I don’t want a complete summary, however, I want you to explain what happened in your reading, and explain what you learned through the reading and how it impacts you.
Day 2 chapter ____ Repeat for each day the format used on day 1. Each day planner sheet should look identical.
Literature Response Log Remember a literature response log follows each day planner every time you read.