Building Bridges: Community Teamwork Kayellen Lascheck, IBCLC, CD(DONA) Riverside County Department of Public Health CWA Conference 2012
Objectives Attendees will understand: Why it’s WIC’s role to build bridges. How critical community teamwork is. ‘The Spectrum of Prevention’. The importance of building relationship bridges at all levels of ‘The Spectrum of Prevention’. Which strategies work best at each level.
Why WIC? Many of the people served by other programs, agencies, MD, hospitals are the people we serve. It is all about relationships.
Does your community need roadwork? Assessment: Where do you have a well functioning bridge? Appreciate the successes What bridges need maintenance and a little road work? Fostering relationships Course corrections Where do the bridges need to be built? Planning Time
Spectrum of Prevention* A tool to move from beyond a primarily educational approach to achieve broad community goals. Complex problems require comprehensive solutions. As you work up the Spectrum, each level has a broader impact on the entire community. *Model created by Larry Cohen, MSW at Contra Costa Co Health Services Department and is based on the work of Dr. Marshall Swift.
1. Strengthening Individual Knowledge & Skills Enhancing an individuals capabilities and knowledge. Education, counseling and individual Bf help to encourage them to be successful at their Bf goal. Changing our language when talking to participants. “How is Bf going?”
2. Promoting Community Education Reaching groups of people with information & resources to promote health. Build support for healthier behaviors & community norms. School Wellness Teams. Head Start Preschool Meetings. Employer Advisory Counsel. Using the local media. Hospital referrals for EBP for WIC NICU.
3. Educating Providers Informing providers who will transmit skills and knowledge to others. Those who provide training, advice or serve as role models have the information, skills and motivation to effectively promote breastfeeding to families, colleagues and the community. MD office lunch & learns. Bf Friendly office designation. Hospital staff training.
4. Fostering Coalitions & Networks Creating or strengthening the ability of people & organizations to join together to work on specific problems. Useful for accomplishing a broad range of goals that reach beyond the capacity of an individual or member’s agency. Become a member of the local Bf Coalition. Bf Help Clinics. Regional Bf Summit.
5. Changing Organizational Practices Adopting regulations and shaping norms; looking at practices of key groups-health department, schools. Every organizations should look at their own practices and see what changes need and could be changed within the organization. County workplace Bf policy. Wellness program education.
6. Influencing Policy & Legislation Developing strategies to change laws & policies to influence outcomes at the local, state and national levels. Get involved. CA Bf Coalition (CBC), USBC. Obesity Task Force-Breastfeeding Friendly Cities.
Where should the roadwork begin? What relationships can you foster and develop? Worksheet –Work smarter not harder Get involved with groups who have common goals. Who needs education in the community & how can you help provide it? Is your agency or workplace a good example for others?
Questions Kayellen Lascheck