The Quadrupole Pick-up in the CPS -intro and progress report PPC 3 Dec 1999 A. Jansson
3/12/99PPC - The Quadrupole Pick-up in the CPS - A. Jansson Outline What is a quadrupole pick-up and how does it work? What is special about the pick-up in the PS ring? Basic idea Prototype design Data acquisition and treatment Measurements Recent design improvements Ideas for the future... Summary
3/12/99PPC - The Quadrupole Pick-up in the CPS - A. Jansson Introduction In a position pick-up, the signal induced by each particle is thus the total signal gives the beam position Assume we dispose of a signal then we can deduce the beam width
3/12/99PPC - The Quadrupole Pick-up in the CPS - A. Jansson Field Expansion in Source Moments Assume a single particle (approximated by a line charge) Maclaurin expansion with respect to source coordinates Sum (integrate) over all particles in the beam Where m ij are the moments of the beam distribution and E ij are the corresponding electric field components
3/12/99PPC - The Quadrupole Pick-up in the CPS - A. Jansson Moments and Field Components m 00 m 10 m 01 m 20 m 11 m 02 There are n+1 moments of each order n, but never more than 2 orthogonal field components!
3/12/99PPC - The Quadrupole Pick-up in the CPS - A. Jansson The ‘Quadrupole Signal’ Measurement of the upright quadrupole field component gives the so-called quadrupole signal Signal strenght Dominating signal
3/12/99PPC - The Quadrupole Pick-up in the CPS - A. Jansson Quadrupole Signal Components The frequency components of the quadrupole signal Emittance and Betatron Matching Dispersion and Dispersion Matching Injection Steering and Closed Orbit
3/12/99PPC - The Quadrupole Pick-up in the CPS - A. Jansson Electric Quadrupole Pick-up Buffer Amplifiers Saturation - frequency mixing Radiation sensitive - close to beam Hybrid Very high CMRR needed Pick-up BufferHybridAmplifier SHVQSHVQ
3/12/99PPC - The Quadrupole Pick-up in the CPS - A. Jansson What’s special about the PS pickup? Magnetic coupling! Low impedance - no active electronics needed near beam (no saturation effects or radiation problems) Can suppress the common mode signal by coupling to radial field component Sum HorVerQuad
3/12/99PPC - The Quadrupole Pick-up in the CPS - A. Jansson The Prototype Pick-up Using a ceramic vacuum chamber (old Booster spare) Vacuum reasons (no feedthrus) Longitudinal impedance (resistive layer screens the cavity, but lets the quadrupole signal thru) Each loop signal goes thru a 1:15 current transformer directly into the hybrid (no impedance buffer) Installed in the PS ring in the (last days of the) winter shut down 98/99
3/12/99PPC - The Quadrupole Pick-up in the CPS - A. Jansson Data Acquisition and Analysis Data is analysed primarily in time domain LHC beam: 2×4 booster bunches all coming from ‘different machines’, thus each bunch has to be treated separately The injection is a transient process Pick-up HybridAmplifier SHVQSHVQ Scope Pick-up/Wall current monitor PC
3/12/99PPC - The Quadrupole Pick-up in the CPS - A. Jansson Data treatment Sum signal: Gaussian fit to find peak current, bunch length and arrival time for each bunch passage. Use knowledge of arrival time and bunch length to reduce the number of free parameters in the fit to the H, V, and Q signals (significantly reduces noise) Spin-off Bunch synchronisation RF matching Coherent oscillations Inclusion of known pick-up imperfections (ongoing)
3/12/99PPC - The Quadrupole Pick-up in the CPS - A. Jansson LabView Application Program
3/12/99PPC - The Quadrupole Pick-up in the CPS - A. Jansson Beam measurements Beam measurements Beam envelope oscillations due to betatron and dispersion mismatch Strong damping due to space charge tune spread Beam envelope oscillations due to coupling ‘Uncoupled’ beam injected into a coupled machine
3/12/99PPC - The Quadrupole Pick-up in the CPS - A. Jansson An improved lab prototype Metal sheets in the (electric) symmetry planes for the quadrupole mode. Suppresses dipole and sum signal Improves the longitudinal impedance Improvement of the pick-up transformers in order to further enhance the high frequency CMRR (ongoing) Simulations show that the coating resistance can be reduced to 2-3 (Z L ~ 1.5 )
3/12/99PPC - The Quadrupole Pick-up in the CPS - A. Jansson Pick-up response to a wire antenna displaced along the horizontal axis CMRR of single loop dB (improvements for HF underway) Lab measurements
3/12/99PPC - The Quadrupole Pick-up in the CPS - A. Jansson An ‘ideal’ detection system Two complementary pick-ups! Can detect all combinations of horizontal and vertical mismatch, independent of tune (and without FFT analysis) Can (roughly) measure transverse emittances on a turn-by-turn basis Single shot accuracy ~0.5 m (statistical, main systematics from , ~10%) with present pick-up system Possible in the PS ring, from point of view of space and beam optics ~ n /2 H << V V << H
3/12/99PPC - The Quadrupole Pick-up in the CPS - A. Jansson Summary Quadrupole pick-ups can be used as a ‘watchdogs’ for detecting (and correcting) Betatron and dispersion matching Injection steering RF matching Bunch synchronisation Two quadrupole pick-ups can measure the emittance! In addition, quadrupole pick- ups are useful to study things like Space charge effects (detuning and damping) Coupling and matching of coupled machines … Our experience with the new quadrupole pick-up design is good. Further improvements are foreseen for the final version (both HW & SW).