The Acts of the Apostles Preparing to Spread the Gospel Acts 1
The Acts of the Apostles Eyewitness testimony Understanding about the church Work of the Holy Spirit The plan of salvation Historical setting for many New Testament books The Way is of God, not men! Acts 5:38-39 (9:2) 2
The Acts of the Apostles But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth. -Acts 1:8- 3
The Acts of the Apostles Many Infallible Proofs Acts 1:1-3 4
Many Infallible Proofs, 1:1-3 T HE FORMER ACCOUNT : –Gospel of Luke, Lk. 1:1-4 –Luke and Acts overlap: Luke 24:36-53 Acts 1:1-12 5
Many Infallible Proofs, 1:1-3 T HE A POSTLES OF C HRIST –Chosen, 1:2 (Jno. 15:16, 19) –After Christ’s resurrection: Unmistakable evidences, 1:3 Commandment, 1:2 The kingdom, 1:2-3 Holy Spirit baptism, 1:4-8 (2:1-4) 6
Many Infallible Proofs, 1:1-3 We can confidently believe and follow what the apostles taught, 1 Jno. 1:1-5 (1 Cor. 14:37) 7
The Acts of the Apostles The Promise of Holy Spirit Baptism Acts 1:4-8 8
9 Promise of HS Baptism, 1:4-8 T RUST THE D IVINE S OURCE OF THE G OSPEL – H EAVEN ’ S P OWER –Revelation, Jno. 14:25-26; 16:13 –Inspiration, Matt. 10:19-20 –Confirmation, Mk. 16:17-20 (miracles) –Witness of Christ to the world, 1:8 (Jno. 15:26-27)
Promise of HS Baptism, 1:4-8 We can confidently receive the gospel as it truly is – the word of God, 1 Ths. 2:13 10
The Acts of the Apostles The Ascension of Jesus Acts 1:
12 Ascension of Jesus, 1:9-11 J ESUS IS E XALTED AND R EIGN - ING IN H EAVEN –Ephesians 1:20-23 –Daniel 7:13-14 –Jesus will return one day, 1 Ths. 4:16-18
Ascension of Jesus, 1:9-11 The faithful are comforted because their hope is real! 1 Ths. 4:18 13
The Acts of the Apostles The Selection of Matthias Acts 1:
15 Selection of Matthias, 1:15-26 W ICKED WILL NOT P ROSPER, 1:15-20 –Judas, 1:17; Jno. 13:2, 27 –In sin, he lost his soul, 1:25 –We can fall, too! 1 Cor. 10:12 –Remove wicked from positions of responsibility, 1:20; 1 Tim. 5:19-21 (Jno. 19:10-11)
16 Selection of Matthias, 1:15-26 T HE A POSTLES ARE C REDIBLE W ITNESSES OF C HRIST, 1:21-26 –With Jesus during His ministry, 1:21-22 –Saw the resurrected Christ, 1:22 –Matthias was chosen by the Lord, not men, 1:23-25
The testimony of the apostles must be heard! John 13:20 17 Selection of Matthias, 1:15-26
Acts: Gospel is from God Unmistakable proofs of Christ’s resurrection, 1:3 Heaven’s power (Holy Spirit baptism), 1:8 Jesus ascended to heaven, 1:9 Credible eyewitnesses, 1:8,