Choosing a New or Revised Mass Musical Setting for a Bilingual or Multilingual Parish SUGGESTIONS FOR SPECIFIC PARISH MODELS IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NEW ROMAN MISSAL
Bilingual / Multilingual Communities Liturgists and musicians who have Masses in several languages at their local parish, the new missal offers an additional challenge: How to continue bilingual and multilingual Masses (perhaps as occasional parish celebrations throughout the liturgical year) when the mainstream language group (English) will be struggling with new prayer texts. This presentation will look at some general suggestions and then specific options applicable to various models of intercultural celebration.
DESCRIPTION AND SUGGESTIONS FOR SPECIFIC PARISH MODELS IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NEW ROMAN MISSAL Hospitality Parish - These communities are just beginning to implement bilingual (usually Spanish/English) liturgies due to a recent change of demographics. Hospitality Parish - These communities are just beginning to implement bilingual (usually Spanish/English) liturgies due to a recent change of demographics. Suggestion: They can use the opportunity of the new English Suggestion: They can use the opportunity of the new English translation of the Roman Missal to expand from a token Spanish translation of the Roman Missal to expand from a token Spanish selection and/or occasional bilingual songs to Mass parts, sung by all, selection and/or occasional bilingual songs to Mass parts, sung by all, that are bilingual or in Spanish. This might be a challenge (and in some that are bilingual or in Spanish. This might be a challenge (and in some instances cause resistance) for the mainstream English speakers. If so, instances cause resistance) for the mainstream English speakers. If so, start with the Mass parts that have litany forms, like the Lord, Have Mercy/Kyrie, eleison and Lamb of God, where new Spanish vocabulary is repeated and so more easily learned. Use settings that the local Spanish-speaking community already knows and loves, and graciously invite the English speakers to join in. Perhaps some settings can be performed in a call and response version to increase participation. start with the Mass parts that have litany forms, like the Lord, Have Mercy/Kyrie, eleison and Lamb of God, where new Spanish vocabulary is repeated and so more easily learned. Use settings that the local Spanish-speaking community already knows and loves, and graciously invite the English speakers to join in. Perhaps some settings can be performed in a call and response version to increase participation.
DESCRIPTION AND SUGGESTIONS FOR SPECIFIC PARISH MODELS DESCRIPTION AND SUGGESTIONS FOR SPECIFIC PARISH MODELS Bicultural Parish - This is a mixed parish, with a substantial Hispanic community, that has been celebrating bilingual liturgies several times a year for several years probably already has a common Spanish/English repertoire shared by the two communities. Suggestion: Respectfully make these choices via dialogue and collaboration, so no one group imposes a new Mass setting upon the other. Consider reviewing and evaluating together two or three different bilingual Mass settings.
DESCRIPTION AND SUGGESTIONS FOR SPECIFIC PARISH MODELS DESCRIPTION AND SUGGESTIONS FOR SPECIFIC PARISH MODELS Multicultural Parish - Parishes with three or more ethnic Multicultural Parish - Parishes with three or more ethnic groups (where readings, music, art, and gesture are groups (where readings, music, art, and gesture are incorporated from these various groups in multicultural liturgies incorporated from these various groups in multicultural liturgies for major feasts of the year. for major feasts of the year. Suggestion : The new Roman Missal gives an opportunity to Suggestion : The new Roman Missal gives an opportunity to evaluate the repertoire. It’s also an opportunity to evaluate the common repertoire. It’s also an opportunity to explore non-English Mass parts for the Penitential Act, the Lamb explore non-English Mass parts for the Penitential Act, the Lamb of God, etc. If the Mass parts are from several language of God, etc. If the Mass parts are from several language groups, the choir directors have new motivation to gather the groups, the choir directors have new motivation to gather the various choirs to learn each other’s repertoire. various choirs to learn each other’s repertoire. The assembly would then be motivated to shift from listening The assembly would then be motivated to shift from listening to ethnic choirs sing during common celebrations to joining the to ethnic choirs sing during common celebrations to joining the combined “unity” choir in singing responses in each other’s languages. combined “unity” choir in singing responses in each other’s languages.
DESCRIPTION AND SUGGESTIONS FOR SPECIFIC PARISH MODELS Cathedral Parish/Diocesan Event - One of the greatest challenges will be for those who coordinate cathedral/diocesan events. That’s because no one is certain which bilingual and multilingual Mass settings will rise to the surface in the coming years. Suggestion: These leaders need to carefully canvas what is successful at the parish level and then incorporate the most used, most familiar settings into diocesan events. But what to do before “the best” rise to the top? Consider using a Spanish setting for the Eucharistic acclamations or an English-language setting (new or revised). If an English-only Mass setting is used, consider using more non-English songs (Vietnamese, Korean, Spanish, French, etc.) to achieve balance within the liturgy.
Additional Information Sing to the Lord: Music in Divine Worship (STL) The Three Judgments The Liturgical Judgment This judgment asks, "Is this composition capable of meeting the structural and textual requirements set forth by the liturgical books for this particular rite?" (STL, 127). The Liturgical Judgment This judgment asks, "Is this composition capable of meeting the structural and textual requirements set forth by the liturgical books for this particular rite?" (STL, 127). The Pastoral Judgment The pastoral judgment relates to the particular community that will celebrate the liturgy at a given time and place so as to deepen their relationship with Christ. It asks, "Will this composition draw this particular people closer to the mystery of Christ, which is at the heart of this celebration?" (STL, 133). The Pastoral Judgment The pastoral judgment relates to the particular community that will celebrate the liturgy at a given time and place so as to deepen their relationship with Christ. It asks, "Will this composition draw this particular people closer to the mystery of Christ, which is at the heart of this celebration?" (STL, 133). The Musical Judgment The musical judgment has to do with aesthetics, beauty, and musicality and their ability to "bear the weight of the mysteries celebrated in the Liturgy" (STL, 134). This judgment asks, "Is this composition technically, aesthetically, and expressively worthy?" (STL, 134). The Musical Judgment The musical judgment has to do with aesthetics, beauty, and musicality and their ability to "bear the weight of the mysteries celebrated in the Liturgy" (STL, 134). This judgment asks, "Is this composition technically, aesthetically, and expressively worthy?" (STL, 134).
Choosing a New or Revised Mass Musical Setting for a Bilingual or Multilingual Parish Works Cited: Art by Rufino Zaragoza - © 2011 OCP. All rights reserved. Prepared by: Damaris Thillet