SC ICT Certification Level 1 00 Introduction By Ross Parker
Aims of the course Improve teacher ICT skills Build confidence Enable further self-learning Attain certification Get ready of Level 2!
Structure of the course 5 areas: –Computer Fundamentals –IWB & Classroom Technology –Office Productivity –The Internet –Graphics & Publishing Each area has various sections Each section taught over 1 or more sessions
Requirements Attendance to regular sessions is optional –Notes available online at ict-certification Assessment sessions are compulsory –Certification: pass 4 of 5 assessments –Distinction: pass 5 of 5 assessments Have fun!
Help If you require any help: –Ask in class Teacher Classmates – –Research on the web
Feedback Let us know what we can improve
Licensing All original work used here is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. For more details please look at This license has been chosen to permit a high degree of sharing, whilst protecting the author’s control as to how the content is used. Please respect this license and use accordingly! Recycled and borrowed works from other sources are used under appropriate licenses, which are not affected by this license. The original source is always given. All original work created by Ross Parker (Sha Tin College, English Schools Foundation, Hong Kong), except where specified.