The World Around Us Unit 2
Lesson One Maps and Locations Location- maps show where something is.
Relative Location – tells what a place is near.
Absolute Location- exact location Like your address. St. Joseph School – 310 Second Street
Maps of all sizes Building Map Zoo Map Chula Vista Map City Map State Map World Map
Lesson Review What is the relative location of Wisconsin? How do maps help people find locations? What is the absolute location of your home?
Use a Map Grid Map Grid- set of lines that divide a map into columns and rows of squares.
Lesson 2 North America Our continent is North America. The country we live in is the United States of America.
Which 2 countries are neighbors with the United States? The Bald Eagle is only found in North America.
Landforms Landforms- the kind of land with a special shape. Plains – or flat land.
Hill- a land that rises above the land around it.
Mountain- very high hill. Many mountains is called a mountain range.
How are plains different from hills?
Oceans - Largest bodies of water. Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Arctic Ocean Indian Ocean
Peninsula – Land that has water on only three sides.
Island – landform with water all around it.
Gulf Gulf- a large body of water is partly surrounded by land. Gulf of Mexico
River – stream of water that flows across the land. Lake – body of water that has land all around it.
Review What countries make up North America? What landforms are in North America? What landform is located in the middle of the United States?
Read a Landform Map Region- an area of land with the same features.
Lesson 3 Seasons and Climate Season: A part of the year that has a certain kind of weather. Can you name the 4 seasons?
Seasons Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall Why do we have different seasons?
Depends upon how the sun is facing the earth. Depending up on the tilt of the earth depends upon what season it is.
Weather Weather can change from day to day. One day it might be sunny and warm and the next it might be cold and windy.
Climate Climate: the weather a place has over a long period of time. Mountain Range- cool climate Desert – Warm climate
Review How is weather different from climate? How is the climate where you live?
Lesson 4 – World Regions Cardinal Directions: North, South, East, and West. We find locations on a globe or map using these.
Equator: an imaginary line that divides Earth into northern and southern halves. Regions near the equator are very hot.
Hemisphere: is half of the earth. It divides the earth into a northern half and a southern half.
How would a region near a pole be different from a region near the equator?
Mountain Region Cold and snowy with rocky land.
Tropical Region Near the equator would be warm and flat with plenty of rain.
Desert Region Warm and dry. Not very much rain.
Review How are all of the regions alike? How are regions different? Where would you find the poles on a globe?
Find Directions on a Map Compass Rose- shows the direction on a map or globe.
Intermediate Direction: they are the directions between the cardinal directions. Northeast, northwest, southeast, southwest