Module One Welcome and Overview
Where is your Hometown? On your way into the room, please pin your hometown to the map of the United States. If you are originally from somewhere outside of the United States, please use our world map! BT Matters Module 1 Slide 2
Welcome: Getting to Know You! ● Let’s take a moment to get to know one another. Please stand and organize yourselves according to your birthday month and day. ● When you sit back down, please sit with teachers who will be teaching the same grade level and/or content area. BT Matters Module 1 Slide 3
BT Matters Project ● Partnership with UNCW, funded by the Institute for Emerging Issues ● Community connections designed to familiarize you with vast resources available in YOUR community ● Ongoing reflection and evaluation of the program ● Master Teachers to help guide your learning ● Online Portal to continue the conversation BT Matters Module 1 Slide 4
Teacher Expectations ● Always come prepared ● Participate in meetings with master teachers, including community connection BT Matters Module 1 Slide 5
Today’s Objectives 1. Gain an overview of the BT Matters Project Design 2. Determine your classroom management style and the implication to change yourself to adapt to the needs of your learners 3. Consider how physical space, routines, and procedures proactively engage student learning 4. Understand how motivation serves as a foundation to build nurturing relationships with students 5. Consider how curriculum and instructional decisions influence classroom management 6. Discover resources within the school community and community at large 7. Begin to design a classroom management plan BT Matters Module 1 Slide 6
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