Project-Haystack: A community-driven solution to make device data easy to use Making data self-describing so applications just work Wednesday July 22, 2015
Project Haystack Is… A community of people working to address one of the key challenges in using smart device data… Most device data has poor “semantic modeling” simply put - information that describes the meaning of the data A manual, labor intensive process is required to "map" the data before it can be used in different applications This adds cost and slows the use of this valuable data Project Haystack vision: A standardized methodology for describing data will make it easier and more cost effective to analyze, visualize, and derive value from our operational data
Project Haystack Is… A methodology for defining the meaning of smart device data A growing set of standard equipment models developed by consensus of the community A highly efficient REST API that makes it easy to exchange Haystack tagged data among applications Software applications and reference implementations for node.js, C++, Dart, Java, Niagara
4 Tagging helps add value to the connected world
5 An Example: The Haystack Community at Work
6 Tags Define the Data Produced by Devices
7 Tags Describe Relationship Between Equipment
8 Tags Enable Rapid Generation of Visualizations
9 Using Tags Streamline the Application of Analytics
10 Tags Enable data to be used in other Applications
11 Using Tags for Enterprise Services
Flexibility: Architectures Using Haystack Tags exist in end devices Tags exist in network controllers Tags applied in server level application
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