AGENDA 1)Welcoming 2)Overview of the CBNRM Visioning Workshop 24 th -25 th July )CBNRM TRUST – Overview 4)AOB 5)Meeting Adjourned
Environmental Funds Community Based Natural Resources Trust Fund
Process of Creating Environmental Funds Definition of the general vision Put up Steering Mechanism List of potential donors Need to secure funding for the initial planning / development phase ( consultant, legal fees, meeting expenses, travel and fundraising) Develop of specific strategy ( Steering Committee) Establishment of the fund
Why Environmental Trust Fund? Need to address issues that are long-term and require a sustained response over number of years EF’s can be structured endowment, sinking, or revolving funds or combination of these EF’s appropriate –existing institutions wanting to re-address issues or procedures in an accountable fashion as an institution Community of organisations to implement- achieve objective EF’s need government / other stakeholders support – regardless of their differences EF’s work in environments that are transparent, rigorous record keeping, transparency, and reliable systems of contracts, banking, and auditing
KEY TERMS Endowment Fund: a fund that spends only income from its capital preserving the capital itself as permanent asset Sinking Fund: a fund that disburses its entire principal and investment income over fixed period of time, usually a relatively long period Revolving Fund a fund that receives new income on a regular income
Endowment Funds Allow capital to be invested Only income from capital is used to finance a funds activity
Sinking funds Disburse their entire principal and investment income over a fixed period of time usually long period
Revolving funds Provide receipt of new resources over a long period of time ( proceeds of taxes to pay for conservation programs, continue to provide continuing source of money for specific activities)
Current Context of EF’s ( International & Regional Context) EF’s has been set up,in many countries to address environmental and conservation activities EF’s manage by private organisations capitalized by grant funds from governments and donor agencies, proceeds from debt-nature swaps, taxes, and fees specifically designated for conservation.
Con’t Provide stable financing for National Parks, other protected areas, grants to private organisations, community groups for projects ( expand the conservation agenda or to conserve biodiversity and using resources in a sustainable manner)
KEY ISSUES NEED TO BE ADRESSED What is the nature of the environmental threat to be addressed? What are the type and time of the conservation activities Are there any organisation that is addressing the same threat? Is the government committed to address the threat and participate as part of the process? Are the country that set up the initiative legal, and financial practices and supporting institutions reliable and do they inspire confidence domestically and globally?
Legal Environment The legal structure of an EF depends to great extent on the way that the legal system of a country in question Common law countries, ( trust, company, or foundations) Governance, Operational Issues, Staffing and Management,