PUBLIC SCHOOL FINANCE UPDATE July, 2011 Leanne Emm Assistant Commissioner
Agenda Where we have been Where we are Where we are going Other items of interest
Where We Have Been FY & FY
FY Fiscal Health Analysis Produced by the Office of the State Auditor One district – three warning indicators Five districts – two warning indicators Two or more indicators – districts provide information incorporated into report Present to Legislative Audit Committee –August 22nd
FY Year-End Final Per Pupil Funding “Rescissions with Per Pupil Funding” spreadsheet posted on the CDE website ADE financial data & allocations to Charters and CPP
FY Accreditation Report Two new questions - Financial Transparency C.R.S through 304 Has the school district complied with all of the reporting requirements of the Public School Financial Transparency Act? Has the school district’s charter school(s) complied with all the reporting requirements of the Public School Financial Transparency Act?
Financial Transparency HB requires each “Local Education Provider” (LEP) to post financial information on- line, in a downloadable format, for free public access. LEP is defined as: A School District: A Board of Cooperative Services (BOCES); A Charter School Institute; A District Charter School; and An Institute Charter School.
Financial Transparency Commencing July 1, 2010: District Adopted Budget for FY09-10 and FY10-11 District Financial Audit Quarterly Financial Statements Salary Schedules or Policies Additionally Commencing July 1, 2011: Accounts Payable Check Registers Credit, Debit and Purchase Card Statements
Financial Transparency Additionally Commencing July 1, 2012: Investment Performance Reports Personal information relating to payroll, including but not limited to payroll deductions or contributions, or any other information that is confidential or otherwise protected from public disclosure is not required to be posted.
Financial Transparency –Available online and updated within sixty days after the completion or receipt of the applicable report, statement, or document –Maintain the prior two budget years’ financial information on-line until the end of the current budget year –CDE Website – template as prescribed by HB
Where We Are FY
Per Pupil Funding - Base –Base Funding - $5, Increase of $ from prior year Inflation of 1.9% Amendment 23 1% is no longer in effect in 2011/2012
Per Pupil Funding - Factors Base funding is adjusted by factors –Cost of Living –Personnel costs –Size of district –At-risk funding –On-Line funding Creates Total Program –SB230 - Negative Factor of 12.97% applied to Total Program
School Districts by Pupil Count
Per Pupil Funding Calculation Two Examples
Appropriated Total Program Funding by Component, With and Without Negative Factor
June 2011 Revenue Forecasts Legislative Council and OSPB –Both better than the March 2011 forecast. $67.5 million from SB potentially available Solid evidence of recovery – still evidence of struggles – slow recovery
Supplemental appropriation process – next legislative session Changes in enrollment, at-risk, assessed values and specific ownership tax Not available until appropriated! $67.5 Million
Risks to Economic Recovery Nationally, 8.8 million jobs lost between January 2008 and February 2010 Jobs added: 1.8 million Debt, housing, European economy, Japan, monetary policy and the Middle East will impact the recovery.
Colorado Risks Tight credit for businesses and consumers. High debt and unemployment Uncertainty in financial and housing markets.
Where We Are Going FY
FY – June Forecast OSPBLegislative Council Inflation Estimate3.5%2.6% Potential Growth in Total Program $261 million$207 million Late February 2012 – actual inflation
FY Potential is high for further reductions Growth in students and caseloads continue to pressure the General Fund State Education Fund balance diminishing
Other Topics of Interest
Changes the date in which the limit to bonded indebtness is determined Mainly benefits those districts that are hitting their limit and is declining in assessed value Changes the date to measure the limit to previous December valuation SB Bonded Indebtedness
Alternative School Finance Models Pilot program authorized by HB to encourage school districts and charter schools to collect data that will be used to compare the effects of alternative school finance funding models with those of the current funding method. Districts/charter schools apply to participate – applications available in August Additional information and the application may be accessed on the CDE website:
Upcoming Training Sessions Student October Webinar Trainings from 9:30 – 11:30 on the following dates. –Tuesday, August 9 th –Wednesday, August 17 th –Monday, August 22 nd –Friday, September 2 nd –Wednesday, September 7 th The PSFU Audit Office will be providing resources and answering questions about pupil count audits. You may register for one of the trainings at: –
Upcoming Training Sessions On-line Pupil Count Webinar –Wednesday, August 24 th at 10:00 am Chart of Account Changes for FY and FPP Handbook Update Webinar –October timeframe –Assuming the FPP Handbook changes have been approved by the FPP committee by this time
Other Topics Possible Federal requirement for individual charter schools to have a separate independent annual financial audit performed and issued to its authorizer and the Department. The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) has recently issued exposure drafts related to “Pension Accounting and Financial Reporting”. These exposure drafts may impact the financial reporting and disclosures for school districts. If you have concerns, the GASB requests comments by September 30, 2011.