Homework: OL due tomorrow FrontPage: Why do you think the Senate might take a very close look at nominees for the Supreme Court? “We have a new Pope. The Vatican has chosen the first ever Argentinean Pope. So once again, a bunch of old white guys got a Hispanic to do a job they didn't want to do." –Conan O’Brien “There are reports that Joe Biden will handle more foreign policy matters during President Obama's second term. Though you know it's bad when world leaders are like, ‘Can you just send Dennis Rodman instead?’” –Jimmy Fallon “A New York City judge struck down a proposed law to ban sodas larger than 16 ounces. I think Mayor Bloomberg should spend his time trying to improve stuff like education. New York needs a better education system if kids didn't figure out they could get around the 16-ounce soda ban by simply purchasing two 12-ounce sodas.” –Craig Ferguson “A new poll indicates that President Obama is no better than George W. Bush at protecting civil liberties. In fact, the pollster had some follow-up questions but split when he saw a drone fly overhead.” –Jay Leno “The TSA this week announced that it will now allow airline passengers to carry previously banned pocket knives, baseball bats and pool cues on planes. And no one’s happier than Honkytonk Bar Fight Airlines.” –Seth Meyers
Homework: OL 331 – 333 due tomorrow The Supreme Court Nomination Process "Do you ever have one of those days when everything seems unconstitutional?"
Nomination & Confirmation Process Federal court judges and Supreme Court justices have basically the same job, and they are appointed and serve in a similar manner. Nominated by President, approved by Senate Serve for life in their position, during good behavior What kinds of things does a president look for when appointing a judge to the federal courts? What does he hope does not happen once a justice is appointed?
Nomination & Confirmation Process How is the Supreme Court nomination process slightly different from other federal judge nominations? What are the steps in the nomination/confirmation process for federal judges? “Short list”/Interviews? The official nomination Who contributes their “two cents”? Senate questionnaire, Senate Judiciary hearing, Senate vote to confirm
Elena Kagan’s Senate Hearings
Justice Alito Interviews for the job