GINA: END OF TRIALS CAMPAIGN MEETING WP1: Overview of project status 15 th December 2010 Teleconference GNSS for INnovative road Applications.


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Presentation transcript:

GINA: END OF TRIALS CAMPAIGN MEETING WP1: Overview of project status 15 th December 2010 Teleconference GNSS for INnovative road Applications

GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo 15/12/2015Page 2WP1: OVERVIEW OF PROJECT SATUS 1.Schedule and project status 2.Activities carried out 3.Documentation & deliverables status 4.Calendar of meetings & milestones 5.Contractual situation CONTENTS

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GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo 15/12/2015Page 16WP1: OVERVIEW OF PROJECT SATUS ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT (I) WP1 -Preparatory Meeting for agreement on messages for Workshop#1, in Brussels (8 th September 2010) -Teleconference for fine-tuning of messages to disseminate in Workshop#1 (17 th September 2010) -Closure of open actions (KOM, PM#1,RCSM, PM#2, FIR (MTR), PM#3, IRM#2, PM#4, Preparatory Meeting for Workshop#1 and teleconferences) -Intensification of coordination with other FP6 / FP7 projects (mainly OPTITRANS) -Preparation of Progress Report (PR#7) -Information exchange with the GSA (project officer Fiammetta Diani (GSA)) on different issues related with the project -Contact with Project Reviewer (Sverker Almqvist) to inform him on the situation of the project and next appointments for review -Formal request of extension to the Grant Agreement and management of formalization of this extension with the GSA contracts officer.

GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo 15/12/2015Page 17WP1: OVERVIEW OF PROJECT SATUS ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT (II) WP2 No activities as this workpackage is successfully closed.

GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo 15/12/2015Page 18WP1: OVERVIEW OF PROJECT SATUS ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT (III) WP3 -Completion of installation of 100%* of OBUs in the volunteers’ vehicles -Liaison and coordination with technical services/garages in the Netherlands (through ARVAL) for finalization of installation, maintenance of the OBUs and fixing of some problems detected in some of the OBUs in ARVAL’s customers’ vehicles. -Work to minimize other identified risks related to the execution of trials - Fine-tuning of some issues related with the customization of the SW platforms used to support the services trialed in GINA with the feedback received from the volunteers participating in the E2E trials -Further adjustments necessary in the hub (platform) to be used for analysis - Iterative process of analysis of data collected during exhaustive trial campaign (vehicle II- GMV) and production of results. This process includes iterations in the post-processing of data registered during exhaustive trials campaign -Analysis of data collected during exhaustive trial campaign (Vehicle I – Navteq) and production of results. This process has included iterations in the post-processing of data registered during the exhaustive trials campaign -Further analysis of data collected during exhaustive trials campaign (vehicle II – GMV) to isolate cases which can illustrate the use of EGNOS in Highways and clear environments as requested by the GSA -Further formatting of files of data registered during the E2E trials for appropriate analysis

GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo 15/12/2015Page 19WP1: OVERVIEW OF PROJECT SATUS ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT (IV) WP3 - Preliminary analysis of data collected during first phase of E2E trials campaign (both soft and data analysis) -Progress in the execution of E2E trials (on-going), including collection of feedback from drivers by means of online survey -Completion of enforcement system trials -Progress in ASCENDI’s trials -Writing and enhancement of interim versions of D3.3 and D3.4

GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo 15/12/2015Page 20WP1: OVERVIEW OF PROJECT SATUS ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT (V) WP4 -Databases (contacts, events, projects) have been circulated and updated with contributions from different partners -Abstracts / articles have been written for different events and specialized media and the project has been presented in different events and fora - The project website has been regularly updated -Successful celebration of Workshop#1, held on 1 st October 2010, which raised great interest among a selected audience including representatives of the industry, the governments and key stakeholders in RUC. Circulation of detailed information on the workshop results to the participants after its conclusion -Progress in the activities to elaborate a detailed Business and Exploitation Plan (WP4.2). In particular questionnaires to collect feedback from volunteers have been agreed and an extensive survey has been launched. -Writing of interim version of deliverable D4.4, including the definition of GINA EETS Service Provider Business Model, GINA offer structure, GINA fee structure, analysis of potential market, definition of market penetration strategy, estimation of revenues generation potential, estimation of GINA cost structure, evaluation of potential profitability, Test of pricing & penetration profile in different scenarios

GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo 15/12/2015Page 21WP1: OVERVIEW OF PROJECT SATUS DOCUMENTATION AND DELIVERABLES STATUS (I) Process

GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo 15/12/2015Page 22WP1: OVERVIEW OF PROJECT SATUS DOCUMENTATION AND DELIVERABLES STATUS (II) IDDeliverable titleWPNatureDissemination levelDelivery date D1.1Project Management PlanWP1RCOT0+3 weeks D1.2Progress / activity reportsWP1RCOQuarterly D1.3*Project workshop 1 reportWP1RPUT0+12 D1.4*Project workshop 2 reportWP1RPUT0+24 D1.5*Public presentation and report on project outcomeWP1RPUT0+24 D1.6Final ReportWP1RCOT0+24 D1.7Handouts of presentations and minutes of meetings and workshopsWP1OREAs needed D1.8Contract changes, invoices/achievement reports, schedule, meeting plan, problem reportsWP1OCOAs needed D2.1 Current state of technology and end-user requirements (for road pricing and other Value Added Services) WP2RPUT0+4 D2.2 Business model and initial commercial feasibility study (including market potential assessment and expected economics) WP2RRET0+8 D2.3Preliminary system architecture and initial technical feasibility studyWP2RRET0+8 D2.4 Report on the analysis of specific related issues in the standardisation, policy, interoperability and technical/operational service provisioning panorama WP2RRET0+8

GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo 15/12/2015Page 23WP1: OVERVIEW OF PROJECT SATUS DOCUMENTATION AND DELIVERABLES STATUS (III) IDDeliverable titleWPNatureDissemination levelDelivery date D3.1Trials planWP3RRET0+8 D3.2System prototype (back office + OBU)WP3PCOT0+12 D3.3Trials data package, evaluation and results reportWP3RPUT0+21 D3.4Market trial report (including technical and user experience assessment)WP3RPUT0+21 D4.1Project Dissemination PlanWP4RPUT0+3 D4.2Project WebsiteWP4OPU Updated as needed D4.3Project dissemination materialWP4OPUAs needed D1.3*Project workshop 1 reportsWP4RPUT0+12 D1.4*Project workshop 2 reportsWP4RPUT0+24 D1.5*Presentation and report on project outcomeWP4RPUT0+24 D4.4Business and exploitation planWP4RRET0+24

GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo 15/12/2015Page 24WP1: OVERVIEW OF PROJECT SATUS CALENDAR OF MEETINGS AND MILESTONES (I) Meeting Description Location Participants from the consortium Nature Expected date / duration Associated Milestone Means of verification Kick Off Meeting MadridAllKick Off Meeting05/03/2009 / 1 day1 Progress Meeting #1 Brussels GMV, ERF, ICC, NW Progress meeting, review of status of WP2 activities 11/05/2009 / 1 day-- Review of current situation Rome GMV, ERF, ICC, BCO, TRL, NW, MF, SKY, CEN, AEN Technical co-ordination meeting. Review of current situation (results of WP2.1) and kick off of WP2.2, WP2.3, WP2.4 and WP /07/2009 / 1 day2 Progress Meeting #2 Lisbon GMV, ERF, ICC, BCO, SKY,TRL Progress Meeting, review of status of WP2.2, WP2.3, WP2.4 and WP3.2.1 activities 10/09/09 / 1 day-- First Interim Review Meeting (Mid- term review meeting) Dublin GMV, ERF, ICC,BCO, SKY, TRL, MF Mid-term review meeting: closure of WP2 and phase 1 of project. Closure of trials definition. Decisions affecting the activities in phase 2 of the project will be addresses 05/11/09/ 1 day3 Finalization of WP2 and Trials definition activities. Following deliverables released: -Preliminary system architecture and initial technical f easibility study -Business model and initial commercial feasibility study in cluding market potential assessment and expected economics (relevant cost revenues) -Report on the analysis of specific related issues in the standardization, policy, interoperability and technical / operational service provisioning panorama Review of trials definition End of phase 1 Kick off of WP3.1.1 and WP3.1.2

GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo 15/12/2015Page 25WP1: OVERVIEW OF PROJECT SATUS CALENDAR OF MEETINGS AND MILESTONES (II) Meeting Description Location Participants from the consortium Nature Expected date / duration Associated Milestone Means of verification Progress Meeting#3 Madrid GMV, SKY + others (via phone conference) Progress Meeting, review of status of prototype system development and customisation (WP3.1.1) and material purchase management and installations (WP3.1.2). Working meeting 19/01/10 1 day- Second Interim Review Meeting Lisbon GMV, SKY, TRL, MF, AEN Technical coordination meeting; closure of prototype system development and customisation and management of purchase and installations for trials. Kick off of trial campaign 10/03/10 1 day4 System prototype (backoffice + OBUs) ready Kick off of trials campaign Progress Meeting#4 Brussels GMV. SKY, TRL, MF, BCO, ERF Progress Meeting, review of progress of trials. Review of status of Business & Exploitation Plan (WP4.2). 08/06/10 1 day- End of Trial Campaign Meeting Teleconfere nce GMV, SKY, TRL, MF, BCO, ERF Review Meeting, review of trials execution and status of trials evaluation and reporting. Review of status of Business & Exploitation Plan (WP4.2). 15/12/10 1 day5 Finalisation of trial campaign. Uninstallation of OBUs and reference systems from the different cars used in the trials (ARVAL’s “volunteers” + reference cars (Navteq’s and rented car))

GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo 15/12/2015Page 26WP1: OVERVIEW OF PROJECT SATUS CALENDAR OF MEETINGS AND MILESTONES (III) Next Meeting: Trials Conclusions Meeting (TCM) –Location: Brussels or Madrid? –Participants: GMV, SKY, TRL, AVE, BCO, ERF –Duration: 1 day –Objective: Review meeting; Review of trials results and review of detailed business and exploitation plan. (WP3.2.2, WP3.2.3 and WP4.2) Preparatory activities for Workshop#2 First steps towards project closure –Date T0+23  Consultation to fix a date? (GSA availability to be taken into account first) week 8 th

GNSS for Innovative road Applications Company’s logo 15/12/2015Page 27WP1: OVERVIEW OF PROJECT SATUS CONTRACTUAL SITUATION Formal request for an extension to Grant Agreement and formal approval by GSA (project activities extended until 31 st May 2011) Extension to cover the delays experienced in the trials campaign (and its effects on results and analysis of the trials and activities related with the definition of the business and exploitation plan). Additionally, extension will cover the management of project wrap-up activities Formal withdrawal of Denarius Professional from the consortium and project (with no impact on the project activities)

Thank you