25/01/2001 PS days - Evian Application software Status and trends Marine Pace Marine Pace
25/01/2001 PS days - Evian Application software: status & trends Automatic Beam Steering and Shaping (ABS) New Java application environment Linux deployment Consoles & servers Network & communications Front-end I/O Controls infrastructure: tomorrow by tomorrow by Franck di Maio
25/01/2001 PS days - Evian ABS Communication architecture OPTICS DATABASE Layout, optics, correctors, monitors Corrector magnets CORRECTION MICADO Mathematica algorithm MEASUREMENT
25/01/2001 PS days - Evian Automated Beam Steering & Shaping Key achievements 2000 Review of generic correction program Version 1. (1999) considered by operators as MD tool Version 2. (2000) in operation. Proved to be satisfactory. Removal of design-inherent limitation Problem 1999: correction of coherent oscillations at PS injection diverged when actual tune was different from model tune Cure 2000: “universal” tune defined as model
25/01/2001 PS days - Evian ABS Communication Architecture
25/01/2001 PS days - Evian ABS Present status Operational corrections PSB LIN2 to PSB steering (individual or global) PSB to PS steering (individual or global) CPS Closed orbit at low energy Injection coherent oscillations (fully PPM) Injection bump oscillation (specialist) TT2 (PS) steering for all particles & energies & optics
25/01/2001 PS days - Evian ABS Objectives 2001 New corrections Global line TT2+TT10 steering (PS + SL devices) FTN steering for TOF beam CTF3 corrections: to be clearly defined Architecture consolidation Java interface for ABS generic program Link between Optics & CO databases Automatic update of response matrices from database
25/01/2001 PS days - Evian ABS Objectives 2001 (cont’d) Studies [A.Jansson PS/OP] PS injection matching using Q pickup Effectiveness of existing correction schemes Collaboration with Y-C.Chao (JLAB visitor) Verification of adequacy of correctors w.r.t. monitors “Intelligent” ABS program On-line construction of measured matrix Verification of the machine model by confronting measured and theoretical matrices. Contact person: M.Pace
25/01/2001 PS days - Evian New Java application environment PS Java history 1998-mid99: performance evaluation + eqpt access June 99: Java activity launched Motivations for Java Powerful language (Object-oriented, industrial tools) Platform independent=> possible sharing of code + control applications with SL/CO Attractive application development environment
25/01/2001 PS days - Evian New Java application environment Key features of the new environment Transparent integration in the operator desktop Cohabitation Java & C programs Very close collaboration with OP developers for User Requirements specification + coding New concepts are introduced: data abstraction, acquisition coherency toolkit of reusable components Contact people: R.Hoh + M.Pace
25/01/2001 PS days - Evian New Java application environment Current status Java = key product for new developments 13 under development 5 operational in 2000 Large involvement & interest from CO + OP + BD Weak point: environment is NOT yet stable Environment’s evolution force applications to re-adapt Significant effort devoted to support + follow-up of developers First objective Application interface stabilization
25/01/2001 PS days - Evian New Java application environment Architecture
25/01/2001 PS days - Evian Linux deployment in the PS control system Migration from IBM WS to PC/Linux Aim Replacement of ALL IBM WS by PC/Linux control room consoles dedicated servers (DSC boot, passerelle) Motivations for PC/Linux open source + portable + Unix software centralized IT support for Hardware + Linux cheap CERN-standard hardware platform
25/01/2001 PS days - Evian Linux deployment (cont’d) 1999 Migration evaluation tests. Librairies porting. 2000 Application porting under Linux. Tests on 2 MCR consoles for control of Lin2, PSB, PS 2001 Ctrl rooms: all consoles Linux-equipped (except LPI) Offices: dual-boot Windows-Linux proposed as standard configuration
25/01/2001 PS days - Evian Linux deployment (cont’d) Porting status globally 80% of all existing applications: ported + validated by operators Reported problems from tests (end 2000): corrected Short-term objectives Validation of ported applications for AD at startup 2001 Porting of Oracle Forms (used by CO people) Contact people: N.de Metz Noblat +J-M.Elyn