Connections to Learning Linda C. Wolfe RN MEd Director: School Support Services.


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Presentation transcript:

Connections to Learning Linda C. Wolfe RN MEd Director: School Support Services

VISION “Promote safe, caring, and healthy learning environments that maximize student and child growth and development through education and the participation of the family and the community at large.” MISSION “To effectively consolidate and deliver Delaware Department of Education services to districts, schools, and charter schools to create safe, caring, and healthy learning environments.”

Opportunity for Mini-Grants Goal: To enhance the capacity of school teams to develop a safe, caring and healthy learning environments Objectives: 1.To establish or expand a leadership team to address student health, social and behavioral needs 2.To identify goals, objectives and activities to support student health (physical & emotional) and school climate

Mini – Grant Overview of Due Dates 11/24/10 Districts & Charters notified 1/5/11 Applications due to DOE 1/17/11 Grant recipients notified 2/7/11 MANDATORY Pre-recorded webinar training on the use of the Tool Kit by team leader 2/11/11 Funds released to schools 5/25/11 All funds expended and activities completed 6/30/11 Report due to DOE

Announcement to Districts & Charters on November 24, 2010 Districts & Charters are notified through the Weekly Memo. Superintendents and Charter School Leaders are asked to share with staff.

DOE Website for “Connections to Learning” fault.shtmlhttp:// fault.shtml View the overview at your convenience. Team leader/facilitator must view the pre-recorded webinar located under Tool Kit Training Please share information with all interested parties.

Application Contents T HE S CHOOL M INIGRANT R EQUEST F ORM REQUIRES : 1.The identification of building team leader (“coordinator”/facilitator) 2.A list of multidisciplinary team members 3.The objectives for meetings 4.A description of planned activities 5.Proposed budget

L OCAL S CHOOL M INIGRANT R EQUEST 1.The form outlines expected activities.  If the school has already successfully completed a required activity, then it does not have to be repeated. 2.A precise budget is needed for approval. A school may request up to $5000.  Meeting expenses  Staff stipends (for after school activities) or substitutes  Other

Applications are due to DOE on January 5, 2011 Applications will be processed upon receipt. The first applications received will be the first ones awarded. –Awards are not competitive. –Awards are dependent upon funds available. –A minimum of one school per district/charter is the goal. –Additional schools will be funded dependent upon remaining funds available.

C onnections to Learning Tool Kit Connections to Learning Tool Kits will be mailed as soon as DOE receives the application. The pre-recorded webinar will provide an overview on how to use the Tool Kit. The team leader/facilitator will report the “code” given in the webinar to DOE in order to receive funds

All Funds Expended and Activities Completed by May 25, 2011 The funding allocation is for FY11. ALL funds must be expended prior to 5/25/11. Any remaining funds should be returned to DOE by 6/30/11.

Report due to DOE on June 30, 2011 Final report should include: –L OCAL S CHOOL M INIGRANT B UDGET S UMMARY /E XPENDITURE R EPORT OF F UNDS (refer to form) –Overview of meetings Dates Times Staff in attendance Agendas –List of goal(s)/activities developed by the team Keep it simple !

If... If all activities/funds are completed by May 25, the school can apply for funds (up to $5000) to support an activity identified through the Connections to Learning process.

Questions/ Clarification For more information, contact Janet Ray, (302) or Connections to Learning website:

Thanks for your interest!!