SBA Cleveland District Office SBA Loan Programs ODJFS Akron Mark Hansel, SBA ( ) September 22, 2009
SBA Cleveland District Office The SBA Guaranty Guaranty loans Not a direct lender Most banks are active
SBA Cleveland District Office SBA Finance Lender driven Guaranty up to 90% under Recovery Usually 50%-85% Max of $2 million for 7(a)
SBA Cleveland District Office The Usual Process Apply to the bank May recommend SBA support If declined, find out why
SBA Cleveland District Office Likely SBA Situations Start-ups Changes of ownership Collateral shortfalls
SBA Cleveland District Office SBA Eligibility Must be “small” Good character and credit US citizen or LPR Business type
SBA Cleveland District Office Types of Business For profit Active, not passive No to certain types (like gambling)
SBA Cleveland District Office SBA Guarantee Fees Waived under Recovery Graduated (2,3,3.5%) May be financed
SBA Cleveland District Office SBA Interest Rates Really a market rate Usual limits of P % May be higher under Express
SBA Cleveland District Office SBA Credit Policy Repayment ability Historic or projected earnings Reasonable projections
SBA Cleveland District Office SBA Collateral Policy “Take all” usually May be relaxed under Express
SBA Cleveland District Office Who Guarantees? 20% or more ownership Perhaps under 20%
SBA Cleveland District Office SBA Loan Uses and Terms Working capital up to 7 years Equipment up to 15 years Real estate up to 25
SBA Cleveland District Office The Express Family Regular, Patriot and Community Can do lines and term loans Loan limits vary
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