James Nelson Book: Fire-Us: The Kindling Author: Jennifer Armstrong & Nancy Butcher Publisher: HarperCollinsPublishers-2003
Introduction S etting P lace: Lazarus, FL Y ear: 2007 T ime: After “Fire- Us” The Kindling is a book where the central conflict is man to nature. The “Fire-Us” was a disease that had taken the lives of many grownups, perhaps all of them.
Character Identification Protagonist Hunter: A teenage boy who got his name from hunting and gathering essential needs for the family. Teacher: A fifteen to sixteen year old who, in her best way possible tries to educate the children Mommy: A fifteen to sixteen year old determine to take care of a house with no parents Angerman: At first called anchorman, he developed this name after Action Figure said he looked angry. Antagonist The antagonist is the devastated world after the “Fire-Us”
Central Conflict M an Vs. Nature A fter the “Fire-Us”, a disease that killed all grownups, 10 kids are forced to make a living on their own. Question: Can this problem be resolved? Are there still grownups left? Will the kids survive on their own.
Minor Characters Action Figure: A kid who got his name from playing with action figures and trying to be a hero. Bear: A child whose name comes from being a sweet gentle person, like a teddy bear. Doll: A child who got her name from toting her dolly with her everywhere. Baby: The youngest child of the family who got his name from being, well, a baby. Puppy & Kitty: Two inhuman like species of children who barked and mewed like a dog and cat. Rescued by the family.
What Critics Are Saying From Vtom In 2002, a deadly disease wipes out the adult population leaving kids to provide for themselves. Eventually, 10 kids come together to travel from Lazarus, FL toWashington D.C.in search for answers. ewpnt#R2TKB72K758O9M ewpnt#R2TKB72K758O9M From Kirkus Reviews After the “Fire-Us” a viral plague, a group of deranged children set out on a quest for survival. Throughout the story, Angerman, a teen in search for answers and to wild kids join the family. They all set of on a journey to Washington D.C. in search of hope. _us_1_The_Kindling?id=IDGqPwAACAAJ _us_1_The_Kindling?id=IDGqPwAACAAJ
My Take The Fire-Us Trilogy Book: The Kindling was a fairly ok book. The story takes place 5 years after a plague called “fire-us.” In all a group of 10 kids set off on an expedition from a town called Lazarus in Florida to Washington D.C. in hope of finding answers.