MICE VC116 Alain Blondel 18 December MICE NEWS See more details in Macolm’s MICE news!
MICE VC116 Alain Blondel 18 December Christmas Shut-down: User run until 18 December 23:30 Machine physics December 23:30 From the collaboration meeting: MANX proposal will be reviewed by a group of MICE chaired by John Cobb. Work jas started in collaboration with Muons Inc. Will report to CM in Harbin MOM duty AB until 22 December MEllis will stand up December. Rotation organized to baby-sit the decay solenoid during Xmas shutdown.
MICE VC116 Alain Blondel 18 December NB MOM schedule solid until October -- last 3 shifts still open. NBB ISIS schedule solid until April1st. Provisional after April NBB shifters to be foreseen from May09 till Dec09.
MICE VC116 Alain Blondel 18 December MICE schedule: -- Spectrometer solenoid will be tested in January if all goes well… shipped end January to FNAL for mag. measts ==> step II installation begins >mid April and run end June-July. -- We should give all we can to fix the decay solenoid until then -- Additional beam stop will be fit inside ISIS to allow work on DK solenoid -- MICE cannot run until DK solenoid is fixed, thus at least until May09.
MICE VC116 Alain Blondel 18 December MICE Schedule as of December 2008 Repair DKsol Q1 09 Run May09 STEP I Deliv SSI Apr09 Run July09 Deliv SSII Aug09 Run Dec09 STEP II STEP IV Deliv FCI Nov09 Run Apr10 STEP V RFCCI deliv Apr10 Run Sep10 STEP VI RFCC deliv Q Run 2011 STEP III/III.1
MICE VC116 Alain Blondel 18 December MICE FAC 5 December Produced status report. Thanks to cooperation of all! MICE note 230. Have a look, send corrections if necessary. Went well… but: Only DOE rep was there! Should work on INFN, NSF, China…