In this lesson we will: 1.Introduce our new topic: Brazil 2.Begin to investigate Brazil 3.Use the internet to find facts about Brazil. 4.Present geographical.


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Presentation transcript:

In this lesson we will: 1.Introduce our new topic: Brazil 2.Begin to investigate Brazil 3.Use the internet to find facts about Brazil. 4.Present geographical information using Word

Brazil is a country of Contrasts…. Look at these images. Think of one word that sums them up and one question you could ask….

Watch the video… Click to Play! _pMhttp:// _pM Now watch again and create a mind map or web diagram of ideas about Brazil on a clean page in your exercise book… _pMhttp:// _pM

What is Brazil like? What could you say about what you have seen?

Let’s find out about Brazil… You are going to investigate Brazil using the internet Brazil research: FactFile Create a fact file about Brazil. Start by using the internet to answer the on your task sheet questions in full sentences on a Word document.

Find your task sheet on the Learning Zone. Humanities Geography Year 8 Year 8 Brazil internet Factfile

Save your work in your class folder in the shared area: S:\Year 8 Geog Brazil Factfile Use the filename: (Your Name) (teaching Group )Brazil factfile e.g. “OliverCromwell8TMBrazil factfile”

Facts and questions about Brazil FactsQuestions