DOI Assignment for the Ocean Observatories Initiative Yu-Hung Lin, Metadata Librarian, Technical and Automated Services Chad Mills, Digital Library Architect, Technical and Automated Services 2015 Rutgers University Libraries State of the Libraries, November 4, OOI Instrument & Data Relationships The Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) is a 25 year project to monitor the world's major oceans through seven equipment arrays in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Petabytes of data will be collected annually. The NSF has asked the OOI Cyberinfrastructure Team, a collaboration of Rutgers Computer Science and Marine and Coastal Sciences, to assign DOIs to datastreams collected from 700+ sensors and instruments so that the data may be cited and archived. The Rutgers University Libraries are consulted by the OOI Cyberinfrastruture Team, led by the Principal Investigator, Manish Parashar, to develop metadata and DOI assignment for the management, discovery and long-term accessibility of the data. This poster describes the data model for OOI data, the major decisions that had to be decided, such as when is a data stream changed enough to require a new version and how should data streams be titled, and explain how the application works to assign DOIs to large and complex data sets that are continuously updated. OOI Subsite Sample Record in RUcore Workflow to Mint DOIs Abstract Instrument Table Information Technical Drawing Information SubsystemsComponentsInstrumentsService Frequency Station Papa Global Array1 Subsurface Hybrid Profiler Mooring 2 Flanking Moorings 3 Gliders Yearly Irminger Sea Global Array1 Surface Mooring 1 Subsurface Hybrid Profiler Mooring 2 Flanking Mooring 3 Gliders Yearly Southern Sea Global Array 1 Surface Mooring 1 Subsurface Hybrid Profiler Mooring 2 Flanking Mooring 3 Gliders Yearly Argentine Basin Global Array 1 Surface Mooring 1 Subsurface Hybrid Profiler Mooring 2 Flanking Mooring 3 Gliders Yearly Pioneer Costal Array3 Surface Mooring 2 Surface-Piercing Profilers Moorings 5 Profiler Moorings 3 AUVs 6 Gliders Twice a year Endurance (Oregon line) Coastal Array 3 Surface Mooring 2 Surface-Piercing Profilers Moorings 1 Hybrid Profiler Mooring 1 Benthic Experiment Package 1 Multi-Function Nodes Twice a year Endurance (Washington Line) Coastal Array 3 Surface Mooring 2 Surface-Piercing Profilers Moorings 1 Profiler Mooring 6 Gliders Twice a year Hydrate Ridge Cabled Array Seafloor Primary and Secondary Profiler – Winched Profiler – Wire crawler Midwater 200m Bottom Instrument Package Yearly Axial Seamount Cabled Array Seafloor Primary and Secondary Profiler – Winched Profiler – Wire crawler Midwater 200m Bottom Instrument Package Yearly Project Challenges Data Versioning Inconsistency with source terms Unclear data definitions Discrepancies with descriptive metadata Complex data/instrument relationship Incomplete data preservation plan Workflow to Resolve DOIs Computing platforms, software applications, storage, and high speed network equipment. CyberPoints of Presence (CyberPoPs) include acquisition and distribution points. The Integrated Observatory Network – OOI Net is a redundant computing environment. Arrays and Instruments OOI Cyberinfrastructure