OUR STRATEGIC INTENT: Promote a culture that demands and rewards excellence. OUR VISION: To be a world-class medical school, advancing health at the forefront of learning and discovery.
Critical Strategies: Transforming Medical Care Leadership that transforms the culture of the Medical School by demanding and supporting excellence in all aspects of our mission. Research that distinguishes the Medical School through centers of excellence, scholarship, and the development of destination educational and clinical programs that change the practice of medicine. Education that advances all aspects of medicine through innovative teaching and learning practices that set national trends. Clinical Care that transforms the practice of medicine in a valued, patient-centered environment.
Research Strategic Plan Metrics Sustained high quality/impact scholarship Peer reviewed extramural grants or funding Increase patient participation in clinical trials Increase in the number of national awards (HHMI, NAS) Increase the number of collaborative research grants
Key Initiatives - Faculty Recruit 6-9 faculty as cluster hires across basic and clinical Departments, at least 2-3 physician-scientists Biomedical Scholars program: new hires to compete for funding in addition to start-up package Distinguished Scholars program: current faculty to compete for 5 year awards ($250K/yr) for research Dean’s Distinguished Lectureship: competitive honor for faculty making seminal research discoveries ($ award) Physician-Scientist Scholars program: development and mentoring for a cadre of physician-scientists
Key Initiatives - Infrastructure Strategically invest in computational and physical infrastructures for tissue and specimen bio-banking Further develop CTSI Office of Discovery and Translation to assist vetting scientific ideas and matching ideas, PIs and resources Develop infrastructure to assist PIs with identifying and attainting funding sources for research Create high-functioning computational platforms that leverage health information technology to facilitate research
Cluster Hire Initiative 2014 Major recommendation from the Medical School strategic plan Proposals could originate from any Medical School department Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor recruitments Basic/translational/clinical within broad area of biomedical research OVERVIEW
Cluster Hire Initiative 2014 Recruitment of new faculty will attract applicants with diverse technical approaches and expertise Defining clusters will encourage current faculty to further embrace interdisciplinary research and teaching Entire Medical School benefits RATIONALE
Cluster Hire Initiative 2014 Two-stage application process: 1) 2-page LOI 2) 8-page full application Proposal had to focus around a major unresolved question in a specific area Received 17 LOIs, invited 6 full applications Two funded at $5M each 1) Translational Neuroscience 2) Translational Genomics in GI Cancers PROCESS/UPDATE