PRESENTATION TO PARLIAMENT Introductory Comments by Chairperson encapsulating Commissioners’ activities 20 MARCH 2013
INTRODUCTION CGE is an independent statutory body created in terms of section 187 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa The vision of the CGE is to strive towards a society free from all forms of gender oppression and inequality. The mission of the Commission is to promote, protect, monitor and evaluate gender equality through undertaking research, public education, policy development, legislative initiatives, effective monitoring and litigation. CGE has a power in terms of the Constitution to :-monitor, investigate, research, educate, lobby, advise and report on issues concerning gender equality In terms of PEPUDA section 20 (1) (f) CGE can institute proceedings in the Equality Act Section 11 of the CGE act provides functions and powers of CGE
Commissioners’ Objectives To attain this goal Commissioners pursue the following Commission issues: Ensure good corporate governance exists by executing fiduciary responsibility and perform oversight function Make strategic Interventions and provide leadership in relation to gender equity and equality issues Ensure the CGE organisational policies and practises are consistent with its vision and organisational values Preserve institutional autonomy and independence Strengthen institutional systems by serving on statutory, theme and any other Committees as allocated by Plenary
Overall Goal of Commissioners Working towards the realisation of the vision and mission of the CGE by establishing good governance and ensuring that the organisation operates effectively and efficiently Set oversight committees and adopted terms of references Adopted hand book for Commissioners Plenary has met in accordance with CGE act and adopted critical policies that assist the functioning of the CGE
Building a working relationship with the Ministry of Women, Children and People with Disabilities Several meetings have been held with the Minister of Women, Children and People with Disability to address the role clarification between the two institutions and to build a working relationship with the Ministry. Participate in the GBV Council as an Observer Participate in the NGM committee meetings Provided input into the WEGE Bill Met with President and Minister to discuss Commission’s issues
ENGAGEMENT WITH RELEVANT STAKEHOLDERS – (to mention just a few) 1.Engaging with relevant stakeholders to educate and raise awareness on issues of gender equality, challenge patriarchal perceptions and stereotypes and take action against infringements of gender rights through the implementation of appropriate redress by conducting Employment Equity Hearings in all provinces. 2.Some of our Commissioners attended the Progressive Women’s Movement Conference which took place in Umthatha last August Commissioners engaged Faith Base Organisations for example Western Cape Council of Churches and Evangelican Church in Thohoyandou Limpopo. 4.The Commission has met with Gender committee component of the House of traditional leadership to deal with Gender related issues 5.CGE is a member of the PWMSA 6.Engagement with Political Parties 7.Interfaced with Government on Gender Equality matters including Policy dialogues 8.Research on GBV at Tertiary Institutions
Engagement with other Institutions Supporting Democracy In terms of PEPUDA, CGE is a member of the Equality Review Committee and attends its meetings Met with Chairpersons of the Fiscal Commission and CRL, CEO of IEC and participate in C9 Forum now known as Forum of Institutions Supporting Democracy (FISD) Participated in the Public Protectors Good Governance Conference Held Quarterly meetings with AG to discuss CGE financial management performance Engagements with the Office of Public Service Commission Deputy Chairperson regarding Commissioners’ Booklet Makes submission to the Fiscal Commission The Commission has partnered with Human Rights Commission on the water and sanitation project CGE will be attending CRL Conference this year
Engagement with Parliament The CGE has been called to make presentations to Parliament on:- The Annual Report 2011/12 The Strategic Plan 2012/13 The CEDAW Session in South Africa Engaged with Deputy Speaker on CGE concerning CGE Commissioners analysed and commented on several Bills such as :- The WEGE Bill The Traditional Courts Bill Remuneration Bill The CGE also engaged with Parliament on the review of the CGE Act Meeting with OISD and National Treasury; Grading of the CGE
Commissioners have been following-up and attending court cases that are related to Gender Based Violence and forced marriages, examples:- Monitor Court proceedings: Sunday Rapist Trial; East Rand Magistrates Court Court case: Forced marriage, LOH Biyela, 14 years old; Kwa-Mthandeni, KZN Intervention on the arranged marriage for a 13 year old girl, Maphumulo, KZN Bail application for a 5year old murder case, Highflats, KZN Observe at the Pistorius murder case, Pretoria Follow-up and attendance on court cases
Commissioners have been interviewed by several radio and television stations. Most interviews were based on the following:- Employment Equity Hearings, e.g. the SAFA and Mbombela and Msukalingwa Local Municipalities Gender Based Violence e.g Ukuthwala report and 365 days report Gender Topical issues Women’s Month activities Engagement with members of the media
Collaboration with other countries The CGE have been meeting and sharing information on issues of gender and equality with members from other countries:- Training/Study Visit for the National Council Standing Committee Gender, Youth and Information Communication, Parliament of the Republic of Namibia Formed part of the South African delegation to the 11 th International Conference of the National Human Rights Institutions in Amman, Jordan Presented to the delegation of the Gender Unit from Nigeria hosted by the SAHRC Participated on the UN conference on Rights of Disabled Persons
Conclusion Thank you Chairperson and Honorable Members