An Introduction to the Early Years Curriculum at ISP
Aims of Today’s Meeting To introduce you to the curriculum used in both Nursery and Reception at ISP. To introduce the way in which you can find out about your child and their progress. To understand how you can support your child at home.
The Early Years Curriculum at ISP At ISP the curriculum in both Nursery and Reception is based upon the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum from the UK. We also draw upon curriculums, research and evidence on how children learn from countries from all around the world, such as Australia, New Zealand and Scandanavia.
What is the Early Years Foundation Stage? The years from birth to five are known as the Foundation Years. This is a very important stage as it helps to prepare your child for their future learning and successes. Every child is born ready, able and eager to learn. Your child’s early years experiences should be HAPPY, ACTIVE, EXCITING, FUN and SECURE and should support their development, care and learning needs. The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is the guidance for anyone providing care and education for children in the Foundation Years. There are 4 themes that underpin the EYFS: 1.The Unique Child – observing how each individual child is learning 2.Positive Relationships – how the adults interact with the children 3.Enabling Environments – what the adults provide for the children 4.Learning and Development – acquiring of new skills and knowledge
How will my child be learning? Your child will be learning skills, acquiring new knowledge and demonstrating their understanding through 7 areas of learning and development. There are three PRIME areas and four SPECIFIC areas of learning. Children quickly develop the 3 prime areas first and they run through and support learning in all other areas. They are: Communication and Language – listening and attention, understanding, speaking Physical Development – moving and handling, health and self-care Personal, Social and Emotional Development – making relationships, self-confidence and self-awareness, managing feelings and behaviour The 4 specific areas grow out of the prime areas and essential skills and knowledge. These are: Literacy – reading and writing Mathematics – numbers, shape, space and measures Understanding the World – people and communities, the world, technology Expressive Arts and Design – exploring and using media and materials, being imaginative These 7 areas are used to plan your child’s learning and activities. The curriculum is designed to be really flexible so that we can follow your child's unique needs and interests. Therefore no two classes should look the same.
Children in the EYFS learn by: playing and exploring; being active; and through creative and critical thinking which takes place both indoors and outdoors.
The ways in which children learn underpins learning and development across all areas.
How can I find out how my child is getting on? Communication: Informal chats before or after school Arrange an appointment Stay and Play Sessions Parent-Teacher Meetings in Term 2 Learning Journey
What is the Learning Journey? Each child in the Pre-School has a Learning Journey portfolio. This is more than just a written report as it will also contain photos and video clips of the children. This document is used to assess the progress of your child across all areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage ( EYFS) curriculum and to plan the next steps in their development. The Learning Journey will follow the children through to the end of Reception. You can access your child’s Learning Journey via your Google account (in Google Drive)
How can we help at home? Talk about the numbers, colours, words and letters you see when you are out and about Sing and tell nursery rhymes Help your child to get dressed, eat and go to the bathroom by themselves. Plant seeds or bulbs in a pot or garden patch Cook / bake together Use the weather – shadows, rain puddles,, wind, mist and sun – to extend your child’s vocabulary Talk to your child at every opportunity – e.g. what you are doing that day Share a book Count out objects from a larger group e.g. can you find 3 forks when laying the table All the fun activities that you do with your child at home are important in supporting their learning and development, and have a really long lasting effect on your child’s learning as they progress through school.
Dates for the Diary Thursday 25 th September - Coffee Morning For Parents – Staff Room Learning Through Play (The Early Years ISP) Week Commencing 29 th September – Stay and Play Sessions for Tiger Class Week Commencing 6 th October – Stay and Play Sessions for Rhino Class Week Commencing 13 th October – Stay and Play Sessions for Elephant Class Information Session for Parents (date to be arranged) Get Reading Right – Phonics Programme for the children in Reception
Class Representative If you would like to volunteer to be be a Class Rep, please see your class teacher who will give you more details on the role.
Some Gentle Reminders Pick- Up Time Once you have collected your child after school at 2 o'clock or during BAS Club could you please wait for older siblings at the coffee shop. We do love having you here but the area will be being used for other activities after 2.15 so it can get rather busy - thank you for your cooperation. Some Gentle Reminders: Suncream and Mosquito Cream Please apply these to your child either when they arrive at school or at home before school. We will reapply during the day if and when needed (please provide us with labelled bottles of both lotions) Hats Please supply your child with a school hat. We encourage them to wear hats at all times when they are outside playing. Library Bags Please supply your child with a school library bag by Wednesday. They will not be able to bring a library book home unless they have a library bag. PE Shoes Please send your child/ren in sports shoes when they have PE Checking the Blog This is our main way for communicating information. We will update the blog each Thursday with news and information and each Friday (along with other special days) with updates of the exciting things your children have been doing in their respective classes each week.