Year 7/8 Parents Information Evening Curriculum
Our philosophy ‘The hallmark of successful individuals is that they love learning, they seek challenges, they value effort and they persist in the face of obstacles’
Secondary Education has changed The system has changed – Year 6 will be a following a very different path. The GCSE remains, but not as we currently know it. This has implications for you – right now.
GCSE’s old and new
So how have we responded? More internal assessment conducted in exam conditions – getting students used to formal exams Year 7 exams – week beginning June 13th 2016 New curriculum model: Pupils take specialist courses that begin in Year 9 and last for three years Whole school focus on literacy and numeracy
Literacy – How can you help? Read yourself – talk about it. Visit the library – it’s free. Make time to read as a family. Don’t just read books. Let your child read with younger children
Accelerated Reader AR is a reading scheme designed to create a culture of reading and to accelerate learning through reading All Year 7 and 8 have a library lesson once every two weeks as well as dedicated reading sessions most days. Please check their reading records in the back of their planners to see how they have been doing. Write positive comments in their planner and encourage them with their reading. Talk to them about the content of the book and how they are enjoying it.
PSE (Personal and Social Education)
Curriculum – A day in the Life
Maths - 4 hours English – 4 hours Science – 3 hours Humanities – 5 hours (2 hrs Geography, 2 hours History and 1 hour RE)
Curriculum – A day in the Life PE – 2 hours French – 2 hours (some pupils have catch up Literacy/Numeracy) Business Technology (IT, Product Design, Food, Textiles, Graphics) - 3 hours EPA (Music, Art, Drama carousel) – 2hours
Progress – Daily/Weekly
Progress – Each half-term Progress check each half-term – reported to parents All pupils have targets based on KS2 SAT levels in Reading and Maths Are they on track? If not why not? Attitude to Learning Behaviour for Learning