Lejasciema vidusskola
School hostel
23 teachers 11 staff 150 students 20 students in special education programm 23 students who need speech therapist 20 students who regurally consult psychologist
Studying process in Lejasciems secondary school
Lejasciems secondary school offers the following programms Basic education programm code Special education programm with learning dissabilities code General education programm code
Students research work
Taking part in projects
Environment education Cleaning –up campain Forest days
The school government
After school activities
Music and dance groups Orchestra Band classes choir 5. – 9. classes choir Vocal band for primary students Vocal band for secondary school students 2 dance groups
Art group Visual art
Sports Tourism Sports games
School events
After school activities young guards youth centre “Pulss” amateur performance groups car drivers courses
Young guards
Youth centre “Pulss”