Nov. 9 Mon-Objective & Bell Work Day 1 Day 1 Ojectives ICT1The student will: ICTI1. - Utilize technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources on the Internet. ICT14.a. Demonstrate proper hand, finger, and body position when using a keyboard (ongoing). b. Use correct finger reaches Pre-Bell Question: Create a science/ social studies topic or question you would like to research on the Internet. Bell Work Question: Create a science/ social studies topic or question you would like to research on the Internet.
Day 1 Daily Agenda Pre-Bell Question: Create a science/ social studies topic or question you would like to research on the Internet. 1. The teacher will introduce the lesson on how to use research tips to gather information from various websites to solve this scavenger hunt. 2. Students will complete a Pre-Assessment on “Online Sources for researching.” using Brain Pop Discuss answers 3.Students will complete activity on "Research Web Quest— Across the Curriculum" using cooperative learning and check answer orally Students will continue Edu Typing.—Differentiated Instruction Lessons from previous week. (See remediation and enrichment activities in Edu Typing Lessons)
DAY 2 BELL WORK –Tues. OBJECTIVE:. Day 2- ICT14.a.-d Examine keyboarding and workspace ergonomics.. ICTI3.5a - Use technology tools to process/research data and report results. Demonstrate proper keyboard application (Ongoing) Pre bell Question: (Use Internet) : Describe two resources you would use for your research.
Day 2 Tues Daily Agenda Pre-Bell Question report. (Use Internet) : Describe two resources you would use for your research 1. The teacher will review previous lesson and homework. Introduce today's lesson. 2. a The teacher will explain Ergonomics-Keyboarding and allow students to complete Web Quest “What is Ergonomics? Keyboarding and discuss answers. 2. b The teacher will explain Integration Research Activity and guideline. See handout 3. The student will research the Internet for various websites and student's goal is to develop the topic/questions in which they will research. Example: Famous Mississippians Students will continue Edu keyboarding lessons from previous day. (See remediation and enrichment activities in Textbook and Edu Typing. 6. Wrap-up-share their topics. Homework: Work on Integration Research Activity at home--Extra Credit
CLOSURE-EXIT QUESTION DAY 2 (FILL OUT EXIT TICKET-INDEX CARD) When you are citing your sources, describe four items you write.
DAY 3 OBJECTIVE & BELL WORK- Wed. OBJECTIVE-DAY 3 The student will - Use technology tools to process/research data and report results. ICT14-a-c demonstrate proper keyboarding by using correct finger reaches and proper position. (ongoing) BELL WORK –WED. Pre Bell Question: Why is research so important in schools as well as in the workplace?
Day 3 Wed. Daily Agenda Day 3 Wed. Daily Agenda Pre Bell Question: Why is research so important in schools as well as in the workplace? 1. The teacher will introduce lesson and review previous lesson with students. 2. The teacher will allow students to complete and submit Integration Research Activity, if not completed 3. The students will complete keyboarding lessons and turn in review report, if not turned in for evaluation (See remediation and enrichment activities in Edu Typing Lessons) 4. Closure: Wrap up lesson with a review. See next slide Homework: Review Sheet on Keyboarding/ & Research Activity --Famous MS Project –Due Thursday
Closure-Exit Question –Day 3 Why is research so important in schools as well as in the workplace. Explain
OBJECTIVE & BELL WORK DAY 4 Objective: ICT14-a-c. The student will: demonstrate keyboard applications. Pre Bell Question: Explain plagiarism as it relates to researching information on the Internet.
Day 4 Thursday Daily Agenda Pre Bell Question: Explain plagiarism as it relates to researching information on the Internet. 1. The teacher will allow students to continue this lesson on alphabetic keyboarding and review the purpose of studying these keys. The teacher will review skills --Online Research and Online Sources. Student can use review 10 questions on Online Sources in Brain Pop Quiz or review notes – Thursday –Teacher Web site 2, The students will continue Edu Typing- keyboarding. (See remediation and enrichment activities in Edu Typing Lessons) 3. Wrap up with a review. See Exit Question on this slide 4. Homework: Study and practice online keyboarding and Online Sources/ all Weekly Notes/Handouts given to you. Test Friday on Weekly Notes
DAY 4-CLOSURE-EXIT QUESTION (Use an exit card) Describe two techniques while keyboarding. Example: Your feet flat on the floor. (Pair and Share)
DAY 5 OBJECTIVE & BELL WORK The Objective: ICT1 3 &4—The student will demonstrate their strengths and weaknesses on skills related to research skills/research sources and computer application with 80% accuracy. The student will post a journal entry on Canvas discussion board and interact with peers related to research skills. Pre-Bell Question: Choose One: What does Proper Techniques look like while keyboarding? Or Describe how a search engine work.
Day 5 Fri. Daily Agenda Pre-Bell Questions: Day 5 Choose One: What does Proper Techniques look like while keyboarding? Or Describe how a search engine work 1. The teacher will continue this lesson on keyboarding and review the purpose of studying keyboarding. 2.Students will complete a Post Test on skills in Online Research and Online Sources on Canvas. 3, The students will continue Edu keyboarding. (See remediation and enrichment activities in Edu Typing Lessons 4. Wrap up with a review. –Exit Question and Canvas Discussion Board Activity
Day 5-Closure –Exit Questions Describe how you felt about the Famous Mississippians Research Project you completed.