Tips for Job Interview Prepared by students of EDUCAnet High-school for Comenius meeting in Martin 2014.
Practise and prepare Most of the questions and activities concerning the interview are expectable so you can quite easily prepare for them. Learn from others, they probably know more than you. Share experience with other people. If you practise you will not be that stressed at the interview itself. Do not over-play. Job interview is not a casting and you are not an actor. Prepare yourself but behave naturally.
Why do you want to work in our company? This is the most common question. Prepare the answer. Find out facts about company you apply to. Analyse the job and company you apply for. Try to find somebody who already works for the company. He/she can advise you more than anyone else. There are many other questions that you can expect. Think of them and of answers. Think why employers ask this questions.
Provide examples Do not say what you can do. Say what you have already done. Prepare examples and outcomes of your activities. Say precisely when and what you have done. Be honest. If you do not have some skill, experience or knowledge do not try to cover it by speaking. If you lack some skill you may have some similar one and can mention it.
Get the interview There often are many applicants. You do not always even get the chance to get the interview. The rules that applies to the interview also applies to the CV. Get the CV to the right people. Somebody you know may help you to get the interview (but not to get the job). If you do not succeed, try to know why. Call or write to the company and ask. They will remember you and may hire you later.
Be on time, be accurate Go to the place few days ahead so that you know where to go and how much time it takes. Speak to the point. Be precise. Do not waste time of your possible employer. There are many other applicants. The interview takes not much time. The first impression is very important. If you waste time with chatting you will not have time to say what is important.
Ask about salary It is natural question. Do not hesitate to ask. Be prepared to say what salary you expect. If you do not ask about salary, the employer thinks you are not interested in the job. Prepare a list of questions to ask the employer. He/she will see your interest in job. Prepare some interesting question. It must concern the job, of course. Do not ask philosophical questions.
Be polite Say thanks and use words of approval, understanding or consent. Dress conventionally, keep the dressing code of the company you apply to. The dress should not overshadow your skills. Do not try to attract attention by your dress, behaviour etc. Try to limit and control your body-language.
Learn from your mistakes Do not expect to succeed at your first interview. There are many other applicants. Bring a notebook and a pen to make notes. Put down only few most important facts. Do not waste time by writing. Remember and analyse the interview. Did you have chance to succeed or not?
Thanks for Your attention. The END Thanks for Your attention.