Making An Off-Site Visit
Before your visit: get the exact address and directions to your location know the name and title of the person you are visiting you may want to call and confirm your appointment the day before find out if you will need any special clothing or equipment during your visit (steel-toed boots, safety glasses, rain gear,etc.)
Before your visit: (continued) if you would like to take pictures or video during your visit, make sure you get permission to do so beforehand create a list of questions you want answered if you plan to do an interview, let the person know this ahead of time and let them know what types of questions you will have (you may even want to a copy of your questions in advance in case they may want to prepare)
During your visit: be on time bring a paper and pencil/pen be courteous and polite introduce yourself if it applies, ask if there are any rules you need to be aware of – do not touch anything without asking for permission first
During your visit: (continued ) pay close attention to the environment with all of your senses; take note of sights, sounds, smells, etc. ask questions clearly listen carefully to all answers and explanations and record information that you think might be useful to you before you leave, review your list of questions to make sure all have been answered thank your host for taking time out of their day to spend with you
After Your Visit: as soon as possible, take some time to add any thoughts or details you didn’t have a chance to during your visit make a phone call, send an , or a thank you card expressing your appreciation to your host