Update Dewey Breakfast/Update ALA Midwinter January 16, 2010 Michael Panzer
-Experimental space for linked DDC data -Available now: Linked data version of the DDC Summaries in ten languages -Features include: -Access to the top three levels of the DDC in ten languages -Actionable URIs for every class of the DDC Summaries -Classification semantics encoded in SKOS -Representations for machines and for humans -Data is reusable under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND license
Linked Open Data cloud
Requirements for publishing Linked Data -Identification -Every data entity has a URI -Access -HTTP as protocol (established infrastructure: WWW) -User agent indicates which data formats it accepts -Representation -for machines -RDF as data model -SKOS, Dublin Core, ccREL, etc. as vocabularies -for humans -HTML, etc. -“Openness” of the data set
Use Case: Basic web lookup “If someone has the URI of that thing, what relationships to what other objects is it useful to know about?” (Tim Berners-Lee) A web page for every class of the Dewey Summaries, e.g.:
Use Case: Shelf labels as display alternative
Use Case: Shelf labels as display alternative
Coming Soon... -M-More languages -M-More data -T-Table 2 with links to FAST headings / GeoNames -A-Abridged 14 -G-German DDC 22 data -A-Agreement between Deutsche Nationalbibliothek and OCLC to make numbers, captions, and more of full DDC 22 available under Creative Commons
Geocoding? -Adding geographic coordinates from other (geographic) data -Coordinates are added to Dewey classes in Table 2 -Example -Australia T2—943 Queensland: -20.0, , Ohio T2—77156 Franklin County: , [+39° 58', -83° 1'] , Useful for geographic information retrieval (spatial queries) in combination with new 085 fields
T2—94 Australia displayed with Google Earth
Linking Open Data example: New York Times Geo- Names T2— Tacoma Tacoma (Wash) NYT NYT articles
Thank you! What other data would you like to see? In what way, shape, or format? Other comments, suggestions?