1 Intelli-Householding Sample Client (Insurance)
2 Populate Missing Values Address History Look up Address Name Verification “Hygiened” FFIC Database Unique Record Id Customer Household Business Intellidyn Householding: Process Flow FFIC Database “CENTRIFY” Customer Household Business Populate Missing Value Reformat Correct Concatenation Analysis of missing value Business Rule of missing value Standardization Address History Look Up Historical Address Analysis 36 Month 60 Month Address Name Verification Corrections Normalization USPS Reference Patterning Unique Record ID Identification of Unique Customer Household Business Policy Joins Key Assign Stage I Stage II “CENTRIFY” (Householding) One Unique Key Per Consumer Policy Holder One Unique Key Per Business Policy Holder One Unique Household ID per FFIC Business Rules Tailor Sensitivity Household Keys for FFIC
3 Populating Missing Values Organize Missing Values by Case Business Rule Definition Populate Based on Business Rules Case 1 & 2 Case 3 Case 4 Case 5 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 Case 1 Case 5
4 *Over 18,000 records had missing values, of which we populated almost 60% *Consumer Records 99.4% 0.6% Populated (3,144,131 Records) Non-Populated (18,441 Records) Before (3,162,572 Records) 99.4% 0.2% Non-Populated (7,531 Records) Populated (3,155,041 Records) After (3,162,572 Records) Correction of missing information is 59% (10,910 of the 18,441 Records) “Repaired (10,910 Records) 0.4%
5 Consumer Records With Missing Values Unable to be Populated Missing Name (7,096 Records) Missing Name & Address (1 Records) Missing Address (388 Records) Missing Zip (46 Records) 99.8% 0.2% Populated (3,155,041 Records) Non-Populated (7,531 Records)
6 Repaired Consumer Records by Populating Missing Values 99.6%.2% Non-Populated (7530 Records) Populated (2,435,901 Records).4% Repaired (10,910 Records) Repaired missing 1 value (See next page for missing values by year) 10,910
7 Repaired Consumer Records by Year 2005 Repaired 1 Missing Value (11 Records) 2006 Repaired 1 Missing Value (8,706 Records) 2007 Repaired 1 Missing Value (1,700 Records) 2008 Repaired 1 Missing Value (444 Records) 2009 Repaired 1 Missing Value (37 Records) 2010 Repaired 1 Missing Value (12 Records)
8 Populate Missing Values Address History Look up Address Name Verification “Hygiened” Client Database Unique Record Id Customer Household Business Intellidyn Householding: Address History Client Database “CENTRIFY” Customer Household Business Populate Missing Value Reformat Correct Concatenation Analysis of missing value Business Rule of missing value Standardization Address History Look Up Historical Address Analysis 36 Month 60 Month Address Name Verification Corrections Normalization USPS Reference Patterning Unique Record ID Identification of Unique Customer Household Business Policy Joins Key Assign Stage I Stage II Address History: Update moves and address changes Zip & Zip4 Correction Address Corrections Nixie Reconciliation
9 Populate Missing Values Address History Look up Address Name Verification “Hygiened” Client Database Unique Record Id Policy Holder Household Intellidyn Householding: Overall Results Client Database “CENTRIFY” Policy Holder Household Stage I Stage II Consumer Input Records 3,162,572 Non-Populated (18,441) Populated (3,144,131) Populated (3,155,041) Non-Populated (7,531) Address Updates (291,460) Policy Holders (1,325,558 ) Households (658,990) We found 658,990 households, versus Client’s 889,657 Group ID’s
10 There are 658,990 *unique households, using the Client Business Rules and our Householding 658,990 unique Client households (269 households have all three policy types) 148,861 Auto Households502,971 Home Households 58,675 Fire Households 559 have Auto and Fire 48,032 have Auto and Home 4,095 have Home and Fire True Picture of Customer Relationships across Client’s Businesses
11 The Policies Per Household include renewals and multiple policies per household
12 Intellidyn Householding: Address Updates