Dictionary based interchanges for iSURF -An Interoperability Service Utility for Collaborative Supply Chain Planning across Multiple Domains David Webber OASIS SET TC / CAM TC (with excerpts and summary from main presentation by Prof. Dr. Asuman Dogac METU-SRDC Turkey) OASIS SET TC Use Case - iSURF
METU OASIS SET TC Use Case Part I: iSURF - Document Interoperability Requirements Part II: Using Dictionary based approach and SET Tools for aligning structure components across syntax vocabularies
Part I: iSURF – Document Interoperability Requirements
Research Objectives: Public Domain Tools Supporting SMEs for Collaborative Supply Chain Planning iSURF Semantic Interoperability Service Utility iSURF Global Data Synchronization and Transitory Collaboration Service Utility for dynamic transient supply chain relationships for the SMEs
Existing iSURF Domain Syntax Format Alignment
Dictionary approach summary 1. If the document components of two different CCTS based standard share the same semantic properties: Use this as an indication that they may be similar 2. Some explicitly defined semantic properties may imply further implicit semantic relationships: Use a reasoner to obtain implicit relationships Align to dictionary definitions allowing crosswalk Create harmonized dictionary lookup Use abstract UID as common reference (linkage between language specific named types/objects) 3. Explicate semantics related with the different usages of document data types in different document schemas to obtain some desired interpretations by means of such informal semantics Determine similar/match relationships and rules for constraint alignment and compound component relationships (e.g. date-time vice date and time) 4. Provide dictionary structure format for managing relationships Leverage existing OASIS CAM and ebXML Registry TC work
The current SET Harmonized Ontology The current version of the harmonized ontology contains the ontological representations of: All of the CCs and BIEs in CCL 07B All of the BIEs in the common library of UBL 2.0 All of the OAGIS 9.1 Common Components and Fields All of the elements in the common library of GS1 XML For supply chain applications these can be exactly related to existing well established UN/CEFACT dictionary objects (also foundation for CCTS) Each UN/CEFACT dictionary object has explicit unique element designator – UID (any new items well be assigned their own domain UID).
Part II: Using dictionary based approach as SET Tools for aligning iSURF documents in different syntax
Semantic Properties of UN/CEFACT CCTS based Standards The Core Components have the following semantic properties: Core Component Data Types Context Code Lists Object Class Term Representation Term The semantics that a BIE is based on a “Core Component” UID labelling mechanism
The Upper Ontology for the Semantics Exposed by the CCTS Framework
A Specific Instance of the Problem How to transform UBL 2.0 Forecast Instance, to GS1 XML Forecast Instance?
The first step… Convert the XSDs of these document instances to CAM templates (forms abstraction layer for inspection by XSLT tools) Extract dictionary definitions from templates into domain dictionaries; assign UID designators. Merge dictionaries into one master dictionary Combination of name, type and OWL ontology matching Compare to UN/CEFACT dictionary – align UID designators Assign similar / match rules for constraints/components CAM xslt tool can be used to generate the dictionaries Store results in harmonized dictionary format
CAM dictionary generation overview XSD schemas CAM Templates XSLT script Master Dictionary Compare & Merge Components: Name Description Type Restrictions UID
Dictionary Tools Generate a dictionary of core components from a set of exchange templates Separate dictionary content by namespace Merges annotations and type definitions from exchange template into dictionary Compare each exchange template to the master domain dictionary Produce spreadsheet workbooks Update spreadsheet and export back to dictionary core components
Create Dictionary – CAM process Select Dictionary; empty for new create, or existing for merge Output dictionary filename Select template content namespace to match with Merge mode; use true to combine content
Compare to Dictionary Pick dictionary to compare with Name of result cross-reference file
Open Cross-Reference as Spreadsheet
Explicate semantics related with the different usages of document data types Different document standards use CCTS Data Types differently For example, “Code.Type" in one standard is represented by “Text.Type" in another standard and yet with “Identier.Type" in another standard This knowledge in real world is expressed through class equivalences so that not only the humans but also the reasoner knows about it Code.Type ≡ Text.Type Name.Type ≡ Text.Type Identier.Type ≡ Text.Type Can cross-reference via UID as well as type
Second Step Human / OWL inspectors Dictionary alignment report produces known equivalents listing (confidence 100%), and then lesser equivalence rankings based on matching factors Component compound relationships resolved using CAM template structure layouts Human inspection then reviews and resolves and updates dictionary (using Excel spreadsheet workbook format) New dictionary produced Iterative refinement over time can enhance alignment along with common practices through industry agreements
Addressing Structural Differences in Document Schemas The harmonized ontology is effective only to discover equivalence of both semantically and structurally similar document artifacts However Different document standards use core components in different structures A problem in finding the similar artifacts in two different document schemas is that the semantically similar artifacts may appear at structurally different positions This is solved using CAM templates and dictionary crosswalks on UID values along with match/similar designators and associated crosswalk rules
Example & UID alignment CAM templates + UID lookup in dictionary resolve structurally different schemas
Methodology CAM Template Generator Structure Maps + XPaths Dictionary XMLSpreadsheet
CAM template / Dictionary / OWL Source XML Instance Source OWL Instance DATA LEVEL KNOWLEDGE LEVELDATA LEVEL Target XML Instance Target/Source XSD Document Schemas Upper Ontologies Knowledge Base Rule Engine & Reasoner RULESRULES XSLT Script Harmonized Ontology Equality Relations Subsumption Relations CAM Template Dictionary
Back to our problem: Translating iSURF Planning Documents Conforming to Different CCTS based Standards
A Specific Instance of the Problem How to transform UBL 2.0 Forecast Instance, to GS1 XML Forecast Instance?
GS1.XMLUIDUBL 2.0 Forecast.Indicator.IndicatorA1034Forecast.BasedOnConsensus_Indicator.Indicator PartyIdentification.DetailsC3401PartyIdentification.Details PartyIdentification.Primary_Identification.GLN_IdentifierC3402PartyIdentification.Identifier NonGLN_PartyIdentification.DetailsC3451PartyIdentification.Details NonGLN_PartyIdentification.Identification.TextC3452PartyIdentification.Identifier ElectronicDocument.Status.IdentifierD4310Forecast.DocumentStateCode.Code Abstract_Forecast.Purpose.ForecastPurposeCriteriaType_CodeE0010Forecast.PurposeCode.Code Multi_unitMeasure.Measure.MeasureF0301Dimension.Measure Abstract_Forecast_TimeStampedTradeItemQuantity.Association. Code E0451Forecast.Identifier.Identifer Date_TimePeriod.EndDate.Date_DateTimeT0012Period.EndDate.Date, Period.EndTime.Time Date_TimePeriod.BeginDate.Date_DateTimeT0013Period.StartDate.Date, Period.StartTime.Time TimePeriod.DetailsT0009Period.Details TimePeriod.Length.Duration_MeasureT0008Period.Duration.Measure TimePeriod.Type.CodeT0021Period.DescriptionCode.Code TradeItemIdentification.DetailsF0340ItemIdentification.Details TradeItemIdentification.Primary_Identification.GTIN_IdentifierF0341ItemIdentification.Identifier NonGTIN_TradeItemIdentification.DetailsF0342ItemIdentification.Details NonGTIN_TradeItemIdentification.Identification.Type_CodeItemIdentification.Extended_Identifier.Identifier The above equivalences are discovered through the UID dictionary cross-references and can be stored back into CAM templates section for runtime crosswalk use.
Runtime crosswalks between template structure member items
Summary Develop crosswalks: Convert XSD schema to CAM templates Leverage template structure and XPath rules to build dictionaries with UID labels Build OWL relationships from schema Compare each dictionary to master dictionary and reference OWL and type knowledge bases to align Produce spreadsheet for manual review Save final results back to master dictionary Build runtime templates: Compare individual CAM templates to master dictionary, generate cross-walk section between components Cross-walk can contain alignment rules in XPath for content handling (e.g. code values and re-formatting)