Three Religions of the Middle East By: Abbey Cameron
Judaism Founded circa 1300 BCE in Mesopotamia. Major belief in one god called Yahweh who made a covenant with a man named Abraham. Abraham is considered the founder or major prophet of Judaism. The Covenant (deal): If Abrahams family followed Yahweh and holy law all his decedents would be god’s chosen people.
Judaism The religion began with the small group of Hebrew people but have grown greatly in the past 4000 years. Nearly 14 million people identify themselves as Jewish. Most live in Israel, Europe and the United States. Followers of Judaism are divided into three major religious sects: Reform, Conservative and Orthodox.
Jewish people are both a ethnic group and a religious group. As a people they have suffered much discrimination because of both their race and religion. We will talk more about this as the school year continues.
Judaism Judaism’s holy book is called the Torah. The Torah is also the first half (old testament) of the Christian holy book known as the bible. Jewish people worship Yahweh in a synagogue on Saturdays. Jewish religious leaders are called Rabbis.
Judaism Holidays! Passover is a spring holiday commemorating the Exodus - the liberation of the Hebrews from slavery in Egypt. During this time there are special dietary restrictions and a special meal. Hanukkah (the festival of lights) is an eight day celebration of a miracle performed by Yahweh after a historic battle. It is not, however, the "Jewish Christmas" - it historically predates Christmas and is an entirely different celebration.
Christianity was founded circa 33 CE in Palestine. Christianity began as an offshoot of Judaism when a prophet called Jesus of Nazareth began preaching that he was the Messiah and the son of god. Christianity started under difficult circumstances, outlawed and underground but had become the world’s largest religion with close to 2 billion followers.
Christianity Christianity has many sects or denominations that all have different rules and beliefs while maintaining the worship of Jesus and the teachings of the Bible. Christianity’s holy book is called the Bible. Christians worship typically on Sunday at a church, chapel, cathedral depending upon their denomination. The Seventh Day Adventists worship on Saturdays. Christians call their religious leaders many things depending on their denomination: priest, bishop, pope, minister, preacher, pastor or deacon.
Islam Islam began around 622CE in Mecca, Saudi Arabia People who practice Islam are called Muslims. There are currently around 1.3 billion Muslims in the world. Most live in the Middle East or North Africa Muslims believe that Allah is the same as the god in Judaism and Christianity. They believe that the Torah and the Bible were originally true stories of Allah but have been corrupted through the centuries.
Islam Muslims believe that the Quran is all truly the words of god passed to the prophet Muhammad through the angel Gabriel. Muslims believe that the prophet Muhammad is a decendant of Abraham and that Jesus was a good prophet but not the son of god.
Islam Muslims worship in a Mosque. Their holy book is the Quran. Their religious leaders are called Shekh or Imam. They have three major denominations: Sunni, Shiite and Sufi
The Five Pillars of Islam 1.Allah is the only god and Muhammad was his prophet. 2.Pray five times per day facing Mecca. 3.Give to the needy. 4.Fast during Ramadan 5.Hajj: If financially able Muslims must make a pilgrimage to Mecca once in their life time.