What Did I Sign Up For? Technology Accessibility for New Professionals
A little audience participation… What is your role?
A little audience participation… How long have you been in your current role?
A little audience participation… How did you inherit the responsibilities of technology accessibility?
Our Stories Steve Salter, Director of Student Access and Wellness at Ashford University
Our Stories Beth Lund, Technology Accessibility Specialist at Ashford University
Ashford University at a Glance Approximately 50,000 students enrolled in the online environment
Ashford University at a Glance 3,000 + unduplicated students per quarter accessing accommodations
Ashford University at a Glance Approximately 7% of students accessing accommodations experience some type of sensory impairment
What we are working with LMS – eCollege (a Pearson product)
What we are working with Over 600 unique course offerings
What we are working with Greater than 50% of courses utilize Course Digital Materials (CDM) on a homegrown platform
What we are working with Approximately 300 full-time faculty and close to 2,000 adjunct instructors
What we are working with Countless outside vendors and content providers leveraged to build an engaging student experience
If you are feeling overwhelmed, that’s ok!
Don’t think about how much you don’t know, focus on the areas you can learn.
How do you know where to begin? The hardest part about knowing where to begin is not knowing what you don’t know
How do you know where to begin? It’s helpful to start small and to focus on the situation at hand – if there isn’t an issue presenting itself, begin with some light reading
Understanding your Responsibilities What does your role entail?
Understanding your Responsibilities What does your role entail? Alt. Text Formatting?
Understanding your Responsibilities What does your role entail? Alt. Text Formatting? Maintaining and promoting compliance?
Understanding your Responsibilities What does your role entail? Alt. Text Formatting? Maintaining and promoting compliance? Web Accessibility?
Understanding your Responsibilities What does your role entail? Alt. Text Formatting? Maintaining and promoting compliance? Web Accessibility? Disability Support and Advising?
Understanding your Responsibilities What does your role entail? Alt. Text Formatting? Maintaining and promoting compliance? Web Accessibility? Disability Support and Advising? Staff support and professional development?
Alt. Text Formatting Acquiring Text Materials
Alt. Text Formatting Student Alternate Media Agreement Request Process
Alt. Text Formatting Student Alternate Media Agreement Request Process The University is responsible for verifying a print disability
Alt. Text Formatting Student Alternate Media Agreement Request Process Student agreement to purchase requested works and provide verification
Alt. Text Formatting Student Alternate Media Agreement Request Process Opportunity to introduce other resources like Bookshare.org
Alt. Text Formatting Student Alternate Media Agreement Request
Alt. Text Formatting Access Text Network
Alt. Text Formatting Amazon – Great Source for Publisher/ISBN Information
Alt. Text Formatting Publisher Look-Up Service
Alt. Text Formatting Look for information on the Publisher’s Website
Alt. Text Formatting Call the Publisher Directly
Alt. Text Formatting Consider a Third Party Vendor for Scanning
Alt. Text Formatting Formatting Text Materials Perform OCR Tag Document Check Tagging Order Remove Hidden Content Crop the Document Add Page Numbers Designate a Default Language Crop the Document Split Text Books by Chapters
Alt. Text Formatting Tip! Learn Keyboard Shortcuts
Maintaining and Promoting Compliance Understand Current Climate
Maintaining and Promoting Compliance Understand Current Climate – 3 Play White Papers works/white- papers/ works/white- papers/
Maintaining and Promoting Compliance Understand Current Climate – Disability Compliance for Higher Education on.com/ on.com/
Maintaining and Promoting Compliance Gain Historical Perspective ADA.Gov
Maintaining and Promoting Compliance Accessibility is a shared responsibility - work to build a culture of compliance across your campus
Maintaining and Promoting Compliance Consider creating forums for sharing best practices in ensuring compliance
Maintaining and Promoting Compliance Consider Developing and Adopting a Technology Accessibility Policy
Other Resources Case Law Review accessibility-settlements/ accessibility-settlements/ web-accessibility-related-litigation-and- settlements/ web-accessibility-related-litigation-and- settlements/
Web Accessibility Look for Accessibility Statement
Web Accessibility Check that images have Alt. Text WebAIM.org
Web Accessibility Keyboard Test Can You Tab through the website without the use of a mouse?
Web Accessibility Check Color Contrast WebAIM Contrast Checker
Web Accessibility JavaScript Test Can you highlight content on a page with your mouse?
Web Accessibility JavaScript Test JavaScript and Flash are not accessible with a screen reader
Web Accessibility Test with a Screen Reader Web2Access
Web Accessibility Resources Download Tools Wave tool Chrome Plugin il/accessibility-developer- t/fpkknkljclfencbdbgkenhalefipecmb?hl=enhttps://chrome.google.com/webstore/deta il/accessibility-developer- t/fpkknkljclfencbdbgkenhalefipecmb?hl=en
Web Accessibility Resources WebAIM Seminar
Web Accessibility Resources CSUN- essions/ essions/
Disability Support and Advising Work to gain an understanding of the student’s needs
Disability Support and Advising Remain solution oriented; don’t be afraid to make recommendations or explore new potential solutions
Disability Support and Advising Rely on the student’s input, your professional expertise, and leverage your professional community for support
Staff Support and Professional Development Work to build partnerships with faculty, instructional designers and your IT team
Staff Support and Professional Development Provide regular opportunities to share experiences What barriers exist within the community What solutions have worked What best practices are being implemented to ensure accessibility
Our Biggest Challenge: Captioning Nature of online education relies heavily on asynchronous student experience
Our Biggest Challenge: Captioning Videos created both in-house and through third party content providers
Our Biggest Challenge: Captioning Building awareness and a strong partnership with faculty and instructional designers is imperative
Understanding how to meet your Captioning Needs
Third-party vendors who caption
Understanding how to meet your Captioning Needs Third-party vendors who caption Leveraging YouTube Beta Captioning
Understanding how to meet your Captioning Needs Third-party vendors who caption Leveraging YouTube Beta Captioning QIAT Webinar to learn the ‘Hows”
Understanding how to meet your Captioning Needs Third-party vendors who caption Leveraging YouTube Beta Captioning QIAT Webinar to learn the ‘Hows” CSUN Copyright Session
Understanding how to meet your Captioning Needs Third-party vendors who caption Leveraging YouTube Beta Captioning QIAT Webinar to learn the ‘Hows” CSUN Copyright Session 3 Play Media White Paper
Overcoming Other Potential Challenges
Budget Constraints Limited funding for professional development Alt-Text Requisition and support
Overcoming Other Potential Challenges Fostering shared-responsibility of accessibility Building collaborative partnerships across the University Teaching others “how to fish”
Overcoming Other Potential Challenges Expanding Alternate Text formats Leveraging third party resources like Bookshare Trial and Error
Overcoming Other Potential Challenges Math Accessibility The Road to Understanding MATHML Design Science Website Connecting the Missing Pieces through Testing
Tips for Building Your Accessibility Toolkit
It’s a lot of information! It’s okay, stay calm
Tips for Building Your Accessibility Toolkit If you don’t know the answer it is a great opportunity to learn!
Tips for Building Your Accessibility Toolkit Start with the areas you feel comfortable with and move forward from there
Tips for Building Your Accessibility Toolkit Tackling some of the more challenging items with help to build your confidence
Tips for Building Your Accessibility Toolkit Brush up on Case Law to understand the climate of AT
Tips for Building Your Accessibility Toolkit Expand your professional network – Join a list serve or twelve
Tips for Building Your Accessibility Toolkit Ask questions – There is a lot to learn from this great community of practitioners and we’ve all been in your place
Tips for Building Your Accessibility Toolkit Share your experiences. Others can learn from your challenges and successes and it will reinforce your confidence to know you are on the right track
Other Resources Google - When you don’t know, Google it!
Other Resources HTCTU ng/cc/ccmain.htm ng/cc/ccmain.htm
Other Resources QIAT
Other Resources Hearing Loss Org about-hearing-loss about-hearing-loss
Other Resources Bookshare
Other Resources WebAim
Other Resources Webinars EASI 3 Play works/webinars/ works/webinars/ Accessibility Online /ArchiveAttendance/ /ArchiveAttendance/
Other Resources Washington
Other Resources Ohlone College anscripts.html anscripts.html
Other Resources Chronicle of Higher Education
Other Resources JPED
Other Resources List Serves ATHEN Access Technology Higher Education Network- HTC -
Other Resources Academic Impressions mic-impressions-online-training mic-impressions-online-training
Other Resources CSUN Certificate Program technology-certificate-program technology-certificate-program