Origins and Expansion
Hinduism Evolved slowly over a very long period of time Indus RVC onward NO ONE FOUNDER No single set of beliefs Religion is meant to liberate the soul from everyday existence
Hinduism Cont. Polytheistic Belief Structure Many Gods 3 Main Deities Brahma The Creator Vishnu The Protector Shiva The Destroyer
Hinduism Belief in Reincarnation and a Soul’s Karma Karma – the good or bad deeds one does Followers believe that you live this life as a punishment / reward for your previous lives.
Buddhism Founded by Siddhartha Gautama Same area of the world as Hinduism Specifically was from modern day Nepal Wandered through India looking for enlightenment
Buddhism 4 Noble Truths Life is filled with suffering and sorrow The cause of all suffering is people’s selfish desire for the pleasures of this world The way to end all suffering is to end all desires The way to overcome such desires and attain enlightenment is to follow the Eightfold Path.
Buddhism Cont Following the Eightfold Path leads to Nirvana Buddhism does involve Reincarnation Reincarnation is not infinite though Stops once one reaches pure enlightenment
Founding Tradition dictates that a man named Abraham founded Judaism Raised in Ur around 1800 B.C. Left and traveled around with his family Made a covenant with his god to be faithful Judaism
Judaism Cont Judaism is one of the oldest monotheistic religions. Perhaps the oldest still in practice today Other Jewish leaders added to the religion Moses – 10 Commandments Laws governed society
Judaism Cont. The Jewish God was/is named Yahweh Different because Yahweh was incorporeal Other society’s Gods were idols or linked to a specific spot Yahweh was everywhere.