Longfellow School Responsibilities: Longfellow School will provide high-quality curriculum and instruction as follows: Teach students the appropriate grade-level Indiana Academic Standards and the Lake Ridge School’s curriculum Accommodate students’ learning styles by using a variety of instructional methods. Provide small-group or individual help for students during the school day if needed. Use a variety of resources to instruct students. Longfellow School will provide parents with frequent reports of their child’s progress as follows: Hold parent conferences once a year. Provide current student test data and student work. Provide a report card each 9 weeks. Provide progress reports if child is failing. Provide parents with a report on child’s progress within reasonable time of parent’s request. Longfellow School staff will provide parents reasonable access to staff: Staff may be contacted by phone, , or notes. Teachers and other staff are available for meeting with parents with reasonable notice. Longfellow School will provide parents opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child’s class and observe activities as follows: Longfellow parents may volunteer, participate in their child’s class, or observe classroom activities by appointment with the child’s teacher. Teacher Signature:________________________ Longfellow School-Parent Compact Parent Responsibilities: We, as parents, will support our child’s learning in the following ways: Send our child to school everyday, except for illness Bring our child to school on time each day. Be sure our child’s homework is completed and correct. Encourage our child to pursue educational activities such as reading instead of watching television and movies. Read with/or to our child each day. Check our child’s backpack each day. Look at our child’s PUPPY Binder. Talk to our child about school each day. Volunteer at the school when possible. Attend Parent/Teacher Conference on Jan. 15, 2016 Attend school functions like PTC meetings, Family Nights, and Side- by-Side visits when possible. Promote positive use of my child’s time outside of school. Parent Signature:_____________________ Student Responsibilities We, as students, will share the Responsibility to improve our academic achievement and achieve the State’s high standards as follows: Do my best work each day. Complete all homework and ask for help from an adult at home if needed. Attend school each day, except for illness. Follow Longfellow School PAWS rules and the rules of my classroom. Ask my teacher for help with my schoolwork if needed. Read at home everyday. Choose positive extracurricular activities and limit the amount of television I watch. Student Signature: __________________________ Longfellow Elementary School and the parents of students participating in activities, services, and programs funded by Title I, Part A for No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (participating children), agree that this compact outlines how the parents, the entire school staff, and the students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership that will help children achieve the State’s high standards.