Unit 6B: Micro-organisms
Unit 6B: Micro-organisms Some useful words Germ Microbe Virus A minute life-form A harmful parasite – not usually considered to be a living organism An example of a micro-organism, usually producing disease
Unit 6B: What makes you ill? L.O. 1, 2 : N.C. Unit 6b: What makes you ill? What makes you ill? ‘Germs’ are passed to people through sneezing, coughing and touch ‘Germs’ are what we call micro-organisms
Unit 6B: Why do we get ill? L.O. 3, 4 N.C. Unit 6B: Why do we get ill? Why do we get ill? Try to find out: Why do we get stomach upsets? Why do we get spots? What is Rubella? What causes tooth decay?
Unit 6B: Rotten Food: L.O. 5, 6, 7, 8: N.C. Unit 6B: Rotten Food Rotten Food
Unit 6B: Rotting that’s good: L.O. 9, 10, 11: N.C. Unit 6B: Rotting that’s good Rotting that’s good
Unit 6B: Bread and Yeast: L.O. 12, 13, 14, 15: N.C. Unit 6B: Bread and Yeast Bread and Yeast
Unit 6B: Micro-organisms: Summary Micro-organisms Very small Can be harmful Cause some illnesses Too small to be seen More info Micro-organisms feed and grow Useful in food production Food Micro-organisms cause food to go off Stored with care Decay Problem Beneficial Caused by living organisms